How To Create a Modeless CPropertySheet with Standard Buttons (146916)

The information in this article applies to:

  • The Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), when used with:
    • Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Editions
    • Microsoft Visual C++ .NET (2002)
  • Microsoft Visual C++ .NET (2003)

This article was previously published under Q146916
Note Microsoft Visual C++ .NET (2002) supports both the managed code model that is provided by the Microsoft .NET Framework and the unmanaged native Microsoft Windows code model. The information in this article applies only to unmanaged Visual C++ code.


This article describes how to implement the standard OK, Cancel, and Apply buttons in a modeless CPropertySheet object.


For a modeless CPropertySheet, the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) resize the sheet and hide the standard buttons in the CPropertySheet::OnInitDialog member function. To prevent MFC from doing this, perform the following steps:
  • Derive a class from CPropertySheet and override the OnInitDialog function.
  • Set "m_bModeless" to FALSE and remove the WF_CONTINUEMODAL style for "m_nFlags".
  • Call CPropertySheet::OnInitDialog.
  • Set "m_bModeless" back to TRUE and add the style WF_CONTINUEMODAL to "m_nFlags".
The following sample code illustrates this technique:
// CMySheet is derived from CpropertySheet.
// Compile options needed: default.
BOOL CMySheet::OnInitDialog()
   m_bModeless = FALSE;   
   m_nFlags |= WF_CONTINUEMODAL;

   BOOL bResult = CPropertySheet::OnInitDialog();

   m_bModeless = TRUE;
   m_nFlags &= ~WF_CONTINUEMODAL;
   return bResult;
In a modeless CPropertySheet object, the OK and Cancel buttons do not close the property sheet when they are clicked. They do send a WM_COMMAND message with IDOK or IDCANCEL to the sheet, and the OnOK or OnCancel functions are called for the page. To close the sheet, you can implement ON_COMMAND handlers for IDOK and IDCANCEL in the CPropertySheet and call the EndDialog function to close the sheet.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:6/29/2004
Keywords:kbcode kbDlg kbhowto KbUIDesign KB146916 kbAudDeveloper