INFO: All Variable Settings for Visual SourceSafe .INI File (140316)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft SourceSafe for Windows

This article was previously published under Q140316


Visual SourceSafe has many .ini file variables that allow you to customize the Visual SourceSafe installation. This article lists all available .ini file settings.


General Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
ComputerName             name or %env-var%         Blank (OS Name)
Editor                   PathName                  Blank
Keep_Checkedout          Yes|No                    No
Mark_Merges              Yes|No                    No
Recursive                Yes|No                    No
Reuse_Comment            Yes|No                    No
Temp_Path                RelativePath              temp
Update_No_Change         Update|Uncheckout|Ask     Uncheckout

View Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
CP_OnSelection           Yes|No                    Yes
Long_Filenames           Yes|No                    Yes
Lowercase_Files          Yes|No                    No
Refresh_Display          Yes|No                    Yes
Refresh_Interval         #Seconds                  300
Results_Window           Yes|No                    No
Status_Bar               Yes|No                    Yes
Toolbar                  Yes|No                    Yes

Toolbar Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Toolbar_Size             16|VW4                     No
ToolTips                 Yes|No                     Yes

Font Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value

Local File Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Append_EOL               Yes|No                    No
Compare                  Full|Checksum|Time        Checksum
Delete_Local             Yes|No                    No
Expand_Keywords_Locally  Yes|No                    Yes
Replace_Writable         Replace|Ask|Skip|Merge    Ask
SetTime                  Current|Mod|Update        Current
Smart_Mode               Yes|No                    No
Use_Readonly             Yes|No                    Yes

Command Dialogs Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Skip_Fcheckout           Yes|No                    No
Skip_Fdiff               Yes|No                    No
Skip_Fget                Yes|No                    No
Skip_Fhistory            Yes|No                    No
Skip_Funcheckout         Yes|No                    No
Skip_Pcheckout           Yes|No                    Yes
Skip_Pdiff               Yes|No                    Yes
Skip_Pget                Yes|No                    Yes
Skip_Phistory            Yes|No                    Yes
Skip_Puncheckout         Yes|No                    Yes

Warning Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Warn_Destroy             Yes|No                    Yes
Warn_Exit                Yes|No                    Yes
Warn_Multiple_Checkout   Yes|No                    Yes
Warn_Purge               Yes|No                    Yes
Warn_Remove              Yes|No                    Yes
Warn_Rollback            Yes|No                    Yes
Warn_Uncheckout          Yes|No                    Yes

File Type Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Binary_Masks             Extension List            Blank
File_Types               List of extensions        Blank
Relevant_Masks           Extension list            *.*

Command Line Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Checkout_Comment         Character String          Blank
Comment_Editor           Path and filename         Blank
Comment_Editor_Prompt    Yes|No                    Yes
Force_Dir                Yes|No                    No
Force_Prj                Yes|No                    No
Output                   @filename|none            None

General Admin Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Database_Name            Character String          Blank
Journal_File             Path and filename         Blank
Keyword_Masks            Extension list            Blank
Multiple_Checkouts       Yes|No                    No
Use_Network_Name         Yes|No                    Yes

Shadow (Admin) Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Shadow                   Path                      Blank
Shadow_EOL               r|rn|n                    rn
Shadow_Readonly          Yes|No                    Yes
Shadow_SetTime           Current|Mod|Update        Current

Macintosh Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Use_CKID                 Yes|No                    Yes

Merge Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Backup_Ext               Extension                 .org
Merge_Ext                Extension                 .mrg

Power User Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Comment_Template         Filename                  Blank
Diff_Context             Nbr of lines              0 (Unix/SS)
                                                   Infinite (Visual)
EOL                      r|rn|n                    RN
Extension Association    By Extension              None
Filetype                 Binary|Text|Auto-Detect   Auto-Detect
Indicate_Expandable      Yes|No                    Yes
Menu_Help                Yes|No                    Yes
Save_Settings            Yes|No                    No
                                                   (until user clicks)
Store_Deltas             Yes|No                    Yes
Visual_Diff_ChangeClr    R,G,B or Color Name
Visual_Diff_DeleteClr    R,G,B or Color Name
Visual_Diff_InsertClr    R,G,B or Color Name

Project Property Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Dir                      PerProject                None

Settings Made Automatically by Visual SourceSafe:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Columns                  Nbr of chars: #,#,#
Columns (UI)             Nbr of pixels: #, #, #
Columns_History          Nbr of chars #, #, #, #
Columns_History (UI)     Nbr of pixels #, #, #, #
Custom_Toolbar           List of one-letter        Yes
Dft_Report_Type          0|1|2 (Printer,File,      0
Diff_Format              SS|Unix|Visual            Visual
Diff_Ignore              c-es-w-                   c-es-w-
Diff_Width               Number                    79
Help_Pos                 x1,y1,x2,y2
Hist_Rect                x1,y1,x2,y2
History_Include_Files    Yes|No                    Yes
Maximized                Yes|No                    No
Preview_Rect             x1, y1, x2, y2
PrjWidth                 Nbr of chars: #
PrjWidth (UI)            Nbr of pixels: #
Project                  ProjectPath
Sort_Order               Name|Type|User|Date|Path  Name
Visual_Diff_Rect         x1,y1,x2,y2
Window                   x1,y1,x2,y2

Srcsafe.ini Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Data_Path                Path                      DATA
Lock_Timeout             Nbr of Seconds            10
Shadow_DOSName           Yes|No                    No
Shadow_Extension         Extension (eg ??V)        Blank
Users_Txt                Path and filename         users.txt

SourceSafe for MS-DOS Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
50_Line                  Yes|No
Color                    Color scheme
Height                   # of Lines                66
Port                     LPT1                      LPT1
Type                     Text|Postscript           Text
Width                    #Characters               80

UNIX Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Data_Secure              SUIDRoot|Open             SUIDRoot
Lock_Mode                Native|Lockfile           Native

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:4/18/2003
Keywords:kbinfo kbusage KB140316