Unattended Installation of Windows NT 3.51 Service Pack 1 (135584)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Systems Management Server 1.0
  • Microsoft Systems Management Server 1.1
  • Microsoft Systems Management Server 1.2

This article was previously published under Q135584


The installation of the Windows NT 3.51 Service Pack 1 requires manual input. To perform an unattended installation of the Service Pack, you modify the Service Pack information (.INF) file.

NOTE: Do not perform the unattended installation of the Service Pack from the Package Command Manager Service (PCMSVC32) because the Service Pack Setup program fails to restart the computer. Use the desktop Package Command Manager (PCMWIN32) instead.


To perform an unattended installation of the Windows NT 3.51 Service Pack 1, close all applications and do the following: NOTE: Specific line changes to the files below are valid only for Windows NT 3.51 Service Pack 1. The changes described in this article are intended to be used as a starting point, and deal only with the initial and final dialog messages. If other errors are encountered during the update process, such as low disk space or incorrect Windows NT version, additional dialog messages may appear.

  1. Copy all Service Pack files to a working directory accessible by the site server that will be used to send the package.
  2. In the working directory, copy UPDATE.INF to a new file. For example:


  3. Using a text editor, edit the SP1QUIET.INF file. Comment out, by placing a semi-colon (;) in front of, the six lines that start at line 305 (SHELL through ENDIF). This suppresses the initial dialog box that normally displays the following:
    Setup is going to update your Windows NT system with the English version of the update program. If you wish to cancel the update process, please press Cancel or press OK to continue.
  4. Comment out, with a semi-colon, three lines starting at line 473 (UI START through UI POP). This suppresses the dialog box that prompts users to allow the system to be restarted. The system will reboot automatically.
  5. Create an intermediate script file. For example, create a file called SP1.BAT with the following contents:
          rem Supporting batch file to apply Windows NT 3.51 Service Pack 1
          rem Create a safe place to store a local copy of the Service Pack
          rem so we can give SETUP.EXE an absolute path to the source
          rem directory.
          md c:\nt351sp1
          rem Copy the Service Pack files from the CDM set by PCM to the
          rem safe directory. Administrators should remove this using another
          rem (PCM) method later.
          copy *.* c:\nt351sp1\*.*
          rem Run Windows NT Setup
          setup.exe /s c:\nt351sp1 /i c:\nt351sp1\sp1quiet.inf
  6. Create a .PDF file (for example, SP1QUIET.PDF) containing the following:

    NOTE: If you want to configure additional inventory properties, place the in the PDF as well. However this single property should be sufficient.
          [Unattended Setup]
          CommandName=Unattended NT 3.51 SP1 Installation
          SupportedPlatforms=Windows NT 3.1 (x86), Windows NT 3.1 (MIPS),
          Windows NT
          3.1 (Alpha)
          [Package Definition]
          Product=Windows NT
          Comment=NT 3.51 Service Pack 1 English
          [Setup Package for Inventory]
          Detection Rule Part 1=file 1
          [file 1]
          DATE=7, 27, 95
          TOKEN 1=
          TOKEN 2=
          TOKEN 3=
          TOKEN 4=
  7. Import the .PDF file and point it to the subdirectory containing all the Service Pack 1 files (including the SP1QUIET.INF file). When you install this package on unattended servers, remember to make the package mandatory (check the mandatory time also), and send it only to systems running Windows NT version 3.51. You must also check the System (Background) Task in the package properties.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:6/14/2005
Keywords:kbsetup kbSMSAppScripts kbsmsUtil KB135584