FIX: typedef Class Template Causes Compiler Errors C2440/C2561 (129783)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Editions 2.0
  • Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Editions 2.1

This article was previously published under Q129783


Compiling a program that has all of the following in the code causes the compiler to generate two errors:

  • Class A.
  • Class B derived from class A.
  • Template class C that has type T as its argument.
  • Class C has a member function that returns a type of A*.
  • Type T* value in the return statement of the function.
  • Function implementation inside the class C definition.
  • "typedef C < B > CB" before the class B definition.
Here are the two errors generated:
error C2440 : 'return' : cannot convert from 'class B*' to 'class A*'
error C2561 : 'f' : function must return a value


The class template was instantiated within the typedef statement where the class B definition (the derivation) has not been seen by the compiler yet. Therefore no conversion is defined between the derived class and the base class.


Use any one of the following three workarounds:

  • Do not create a typedef based on class B until class B is defined. -or-

  • -or-Due to the definition of the member function, the templated class C can only be instantiated with class T if a conversion from T* to A* exists. This may have been unintentional, and the design of class C could be re-thought. -or-

  • -or-Do not define the class template member function inside the class definition. The following sample code demonstrates this workaround:
       /* Compile options needed: none
       class A {};
       template < class T >
       class C
          A* f( T *t );
       template < class T >
       inline A* C::f( T *t )
         return t;
       class B;
       typedef C < B > CB;
       class B : public A {};


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article. This problem was fixed in Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Edition, version 4.0.


Sample Code to Reproduce Problem

/* Compile options needed: none
class A {};
template < class T >
class C
  public :
   A* f( T *t ) { return t; }
class B;
typedef C<B> CB;
// Work around #1: Move the following line, the definition of class B,
// before the typedef which depends on class B
class B : public A {};

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:7/5/2005
Keywords:2.00 2.10 kbbug kbcode kbfix KB129783 kbAudDeveloper