Date and Time Stamp of Files Change When Copied to Netware (129045)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.5
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.5

This article was previously published under Q129045


When you use File Manager to copy files from a Windows for Workgroup 3.11 client to a Netware Server (accessed through Windows NT 3.5 Server running Gateway Services for Netware), the date and time of some files change.


To work around this problem, use the copy command from a Windows for Workgroups MS-DOS command prompt to copy the files to the NetWare Server.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Windows for Workgroup 3.11 and Windows NT Server version 3.5. This problem was corrected in the latest U.S. Service Pack for Windows NT version 3.5. For information on obtaining the Service Pack, query on the following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):

   S E R V P A C K

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/20/2003