WFWG Frame Type Default Depends On Installation Source (124881)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11

This article was previously published under Q124881
Windows for Workgroups uses one of two different network packet frames types (802.2 or 802.3) depending on whether you updated your existing Windows for Workgroups installation, or installed Windows for Workgroups from the Windows NT Server version 3.5 compact disc.

If you upgrade your existing Windows for Workgroups installation by copying the six files from the CLIENTS\WFW\UPDATE directory on the Windows NT Server version 3.5 CD, your system continues to use 802.3 frames (the previous Windows for Workgroups default). If you install Windows for Workgroups to a new directory, from the Windows NT Server version 3.5 CD CLIENTS\WFW\NETSETUP directory, your system uses 802.2 frames.

The Windows for Workgroups default frame type was changed from 802.3 to 802.2 to match the new Novell and Windows NT default frame types. An updated NWLINK.386 file was not included in the CLIENTS\WFW\UPDATE directory. If it had been, existing clients using 802.3 frames would stop working once the updated Windows for Workgroups files were installed.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:10/22/1999