Works for Windows 3.0: Maximum Statistics (121066)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Works 3.0
  • Microsoft Works 3.0a
  • Microsoft Works 3.0b

This article was previously published under Q121066


The following are the maximum limits for various Works version 2.x and 3.0 elements and operations, including the Works dictionary and thesaurus. If you exceed the listed limits, Works may display an error message.
                             MAXIMUM              MAXIMUM
                            WORKS 2.X            WORKS 3.0


Open files                      8                    8
Visible Windows                 8                    8
Panes within a window           4                    4

Word Processing

Lines per header                1                    1
Lines per footer                1                    1
Lines per paragraph header      No physical limit    No physical limit
Lines per paragraph footer      No physical limit    No physical limit
Words in spell dictionary       100,000              106,000
Words in user dictionary        No physical limit    No physical limit
Number of predefined            No physical limit    No physical limit
 dictionary entries in WIN.INI
Number of custom dictionary     No physical limit    No physical limit
 entries in WIN.INI
Simultaneous-user dictionaries  1                    1
 in use at one time
Keywords in Thesaurus           30,0000              30,000
Document size                   8MB                  No physical limit
Page length                     22 inches            22 inches
Page width                      22 inches            22 inches
Fonts per document              Limited to 32K       510
Maximum custom tabs per line    20                   20
Tabs per paragraph              20 formatted         20 formatted
Bookmarks per document          No physical limit    No physical limit
Maximum pages                   No physical limit    No physical limit
Maximum footnotes               No physical limit    No physical limit
Maximum characters per line     255                  255


File size                       No physical limit    No physical limit
Concurrent fonts                1                    510
Rows                            16,384               16,384
Columns                         230 (Column IV)      230 (Column IV)
Characters in a cell            255                  255
Printed characters              249                  249
Row Height                      Non-Adjustable       0 to 409
                                (Default is 10)
Column width                    0 to 79              0 to 79
Lines for header/footer         1                    1
Sorting levels                  3                    3
Concurrent sorting levels       3                    3
Range names                     800                  800
Number of significant digits    15                   15
Date range                    1/1/1900 - 6/3/2079   1/1/1900 - 6/3/2079
                              (anything outside this range is text)


File size                       No physical limit   No physical limit
Concurrent fonts                1 in list view      510 in list view
                                1 in form view      510 in form view
                                1 in report view    510 in report view
Concurrent styles               1 per field         1 per field
Records per file                32,000              32,000
Fields per record               256                 256
Characters per record           65,280              65,280
Characters per field            255                 255
Characters per printed line     255 (6 reserved     255 (6 reserved
                                    for row label)      for row label)
Characters per field name       15                  15
Column width in List view       0-79                0-79
Column width in Report view:    1-79                1-79
Field Width in Form view:       0-325               0-325
(dependant on font size)
Field Height in Form view:     0-325               0-325
(dependant on font and page size)
Decimal accuracy                15                  15
Sorting levels                  3                   3
Concurrent sorting levels       3                   3
Nested control breaks           3                   3
(break fields)
Reports per file                8                   8
Queries per file                1                   8
Number of pages in Form View    Approx. 2           Approx. 2
   NOTE: The number of pages is dependent upon the page size selected.
   A standard 8 1/2 x 11' page will display approximately 2 pages.
   See below for the actual size of the Form.
Form size                       22.75 inches        22.75 inches
                                square              square
Date range                    1/1/1900 - 6/3/2079   1/1/1900 - 6/3/2079
                              (anything outside this range is text)


Baud Rate                       Not applicable      19,200 bps
Scripts - Maximum length        Not applicable      60KB
Most Recently Used list (MRU)   Not applicable      8
 number of items
Text transfer line delay max    Not applicable      600 sec/10 or
                                                    60 sec

Number of import filters                            15
you can have in WIN.INI


Simultaneous colors             16                  16
Patterns                        15                  15
Characters in a title           39                  39
Number of series per chart      7                   7
                             (1x and 6y series) (1x and 6y series)
Number of series in a chart     6                   6
Line/Scatter graph
data pts/line                   2023                2023
Bar graph vertical bars         2023                2023
Pie chart slices/pie            2047                2047
Exploded pie slices             2047                2047

Print Merge

Envelope/Label dialog           Not applicable      255 characters
 (return address, mailing
 address, per section
 and all label information)
Number of merge fields          128 merge fields    128 merge fields.
 (Form letter, envelope or
Maximum Record size             2K per record       2K per record

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:9/25/2003
Keywords:kbhowto KB121066