Using 32-Bit Disk Access with Quantum LPS540 IDE Disk Drives (119742)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows 3.1
  • Microsoft Windows 3.11
  • Microsoft Windows for Workgroups

This article was previously published under Q119742
3.10 3.11 WINDOWS kbhw kberrmsg


When you start Windows in 386 enhanced mode with 32-bit disk access enabled on a Quantum LPS-540AT hard disk drive, the following error message occurs:
The Microsoft Windows 32-bit disk driver (WDCTRL) validation failed at phase 03, 3B.


Quantum Corporation has confirmed that the LPS-540AT has 1120 cylinders, 59 sectors, and 16 heads, which makes this drive incompatible with the 32-bit disk access device driver included with Windows and Windows for Workgroups (WDCTRL). This does not affect 32-bit file access (VFAT) in Windows for Workgroups 3.11.


Quantum Corporation recommends setting the BIOS parameters to the following:
   1024  cylinders
   16    heads
   63    sectors
NOTE: There is also a file available from the Quantum bulletin board service (BBS) called IDE_DOS.EXE. This self-extracting compressed file contains an MS-DOS-level utility that allows the drive to be formatted to 540 megabytes. Also included is the file IDE_WIN.386, which is the Quantum replacement for WDCTRL.

For more information about this procedure, contact Quantum Corporation Technical Support.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/17/2003