WD: Null Value as First Element of Array Displays Empty List Box (119416)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Word for the Macintosh 6.0
  • Microsoft Word for the Macintosh 6.0.1
  • Microsoft Word for the Macintosh 6.0.1a
  • Microsoft Word for Windows 6.0
  • Microsoft Word for Windows 6.0a
  • Microsoft Word for Windows 6.0c
  • Microsoft Word for Windows NT 6.0
  • Microsoft Word for Windows 95
  • Microsoft Word for Windows 95 7.0a

This article was previously published under Q119416


A list box will not display the array if the first element of the array contains a null string.

For example, the following macro will display an empty list box:
   Sub Main
      Dim MyArray$(3)
      For x = 0 to 3
         MyArray$(x) = str$(x)
      next x
      ' Set the first element to a null string
      MyArray$(0) = ""
      Begin Dialog UserDialog 320, 180, "Microsoft Word"
         OKButton 6, 8, 65, 20
         ListBox 6, 39, 167, 123, MyArray$(), .ListBox1
      End Dialog
      Dim MyDialog as UserDialog
      Dialog MyDialog
   End Sub


Change the first element to contain one of the items from the array.


We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.


Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming language being demonstrated and the tools used to create and debug procedures. Microsoft support professionals can help explain the functionality of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific needs. If you have limited programming experience, you may want to contact a Microsoft Certified Partner or the Microsoft fee-based consulting line at (800) 936-5200. For more information about Microsoft Certified Partners, please visit the following Microsoft Web site: For more information about the support options that are available and about how to contact Microsoft, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:8/16/2005
Keywords:kbbug kbmacro KB119416