Err Msg: Insufficient Memory with SHARE.EXE (119143)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft MS-DOS operating system 3.1
  • Microsoft MS-DOS operating system 3.2
  • Microsoft MS-DOS operating system 3.21
  • Microsoft MS-DOS operating system 3.3
  • Microsoft MS-DOS operating system 3.3a
  • Microsoft MS-DOS operating system 4.0
  • Microsoft MS-DOS operating system 4.01
  • Microsoft MS-DOS operating system 5.0
  • Microsoft MS-DOS operating system 5.0a
  • Microsoft MS-DOS operating system 6.0
  • Microsoft MS-DOS operating system 6.2
  • Microsoft MS-DOS operating system 6.21
  • Microsoft MS-DOS operating system 6.22

This article was previously published under Q119143


Exceeding a 64-kilobyte (K) memory segment by incorrectly configuring SHARE.EXE causes the following error message during startup:
Insufficient memory


SHARE.EXE is limited to a 64K memory segment. Consequently, there are limits on the amount of file-sharing space that can be allocated and the number of locks that can be specified. Exceeding these limits causes insufficient memory errors because SHARE.EXE tries to exceed its 64K memory segment boundary.


Reconfigure SHARE.EXE with appropriate file-sharing and lock values.


The /F switch controls the amount of buffer space allocated for file- sharing information. Each open file requires the length of its full name, including the path, plus some overhead. The default value of 2048 can accommodate approximately 100 files with paths of average length (approximately 20 bytes long).

The /L switch controls the number of entries to be allocated for an internal table containing file-locking information. Each active lock on a region of a file occupies one entry in the table. The default value is 20. Each lock consumes approximately 18 bytes of memory.

You can use the following formula to estimate memory usage by SHARE.EXE
   F + (L*18) + 2565 <= 65,535
where F is the /F switch value, L is the /L switch value (each L=18 bytes), and 2565 is the size of SHARE's resident code. The total must be less than or equal to 64K (65,535 bytes).

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:5/6/2003