DoubleSpace/DriveSpace Limits on 1028 MB to 1153 MB Partitions (119072)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft MS-DOS operating system 6.0
  • Microsoft MS-DOS operating system 6.2
  • Microsoft MS-DOS operating system 6.22

This article was previously published under Q119072
This information applies to both Microsoft DoubleSpace and Microsoft DriveSpace. For MS-DOS 6.22, use DRVSPACE in place of DBLSPACE for commands and filenames.


When you are compressing a disk using DriveSpace or DoubleSpace, you receive the following error message:
DriveSpace ran out of free space and some files were left on the newly created drive.


If you run DoubleSpace or DriveSpace on a disk with a partition size between 1028 megabytes (MB) and 1153 MB, you cannot create compressed drives that reach the standard limit of 512 MB.


To work around this situation, you must change the partition size to less than 1 gigabyte before you run DoubleSpace or DriveSpace.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in DoubleSpace and DriveSpace. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.


Compressed volume files (CVFs) that are created on partitions between 1028 MB and 1153 MB cannot be increased. Additionally, the maximum estimated compression ratio (ECR) that can be entered is 1.5 to 1. You can usually make the CVF smaller and decrease the ECR.

If all the data cannot be compressed, it remains available on the host drive.

Following are examples of the maximum size of the CVF for a number of partition sizes between 1028 MB and 1153 MB:
   Partition   CVF
    1028      11
    1034      16
    1030      33
    1040      50
    1050      88
    1070     145
    1080     168
    1090     184
    1144     341
NOTE: All values are in megabytes.

For more information about CVF size limits, query on the following words in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

dblspace and limitation and size

For more information about partitioning drives, see the "Repartitioning Your Hard Disk" section in following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

106423 Repartitioning Your Hard Disk to Upgrade to 6.0 or 6.2

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/19/1999