PC Gen: Application Notes and Replacement Files for PC Mail (114119)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Electronic Forms Designer, when used with:
    • Microsoft Mail for PC Networks 3.0
    • Microsoft Mail for PC Networks 3.2
  • Microsoft Mail for PC Networks 2.x
  • Microsoft Mail for PC Networks 3.0
  • Microsoft Mail for PC Networks 3.2
  • Microsoft Mail for Windows 2.x
  • Microsoft Mail for Windows 3.0
  • Microsoft Mail for Windows 3.2
  • Microsoft Mail Remote for MS-DOS 3.0
  • Microsoft Mail Remote for Windows 3.2
  • Microsoft Schedule+ 1.0

This article was previously published under Q114119


The following is a list of the Application Notes and file replacements (fixes) currently available for the products listed above.


  • The items in the ".EXE Filename" column are either Application Note numbers or the names of the self-extracting .EXE files available on the electronic services.
  • File sizes listed below are in bytes.
  • File dates are in mm-dd-yy format, where mm is the month, dd is the day, and yy is the year.
The files listed below are available to download from the Microsoft Software Library (MSL). For information on how to download these files, please see the "Instructions for Downloading" section below.


Item ID      Filename           Description
S14531       ADMUPD.EXE         Update for ADMIN.EXE
S14582       EXTUPD.EXE         Update for EXTERNAL.EXE
S14586       SRVUPD.EXE         Update for SRVMAIN.EXE
S14570       IMPUPD.EXE         Update for IMPORT.EXE
S14584       REBUPD.EXE         Update for REBUILD.EXE
S15160       MACLIENT.HQX       Update for Mail for PC Networks,
                                Macintosh workstation
S14571       MAILUPD.EXE        Update for MAIL.EXE
S14078       MAPIUPD.EXE        Update for MAPI.DLL
S14830       MMFUTIL.EXE        MMFCLEAN.EXE Utility
S14187       MSSFS.EXE          Update for MSSFS.DLL
S15289       SCHMSG.EXE         Update for SCHEDMSG.DLL
S14532       SETUPD.EXE         Update for SETUP.EXE and SETUP.INF
                                for Running the Windows Client from
                                the Network
S15138       WSETUP.EXE         Update for SETUP.INF for Windows
                                for Workgroups
S15355       MSRMTCN.EXE        Update for MSRMTCN.DLL for Mail Remote
                                for Windows
S14684       MSRMTSU.EXE        Update for MSRMTSU.DLL for Mail Remote
                                for Windows
S14587       MSRMT.EXE          Update for MSRMT.DLL for Mail Remote
                                for Windows
S14675       MSRUPD.EXE         Update for MSRMTTR.DLL for Mail Remote
                                for Windows
S14758       SPLUS.EXE          Update for SPLUS.DLL and SAL Files
S14149       RMTUPD.EXE         Update for MAIL.EXE for MS-DOS Remote
S14840       MVUSR.EXE          MoveUser Utility
S14573       EFSETUP.EXE        Update for SETUP.EXE for E-Forms
S14789       DOSMAIL.EXE        Update for MAIL.EXE for MS-DOS client
S14151       VFORMUPD.EXE       Update for VFORMS.DLL
S14881       MAILMGR.EXE        Update for MAILMGR.DLL
S14585       MDRVUPD.EXE        Update for MAILDRV.EXE
S14568       ATTMAIL.EXE        Update for ATTMAIL.DLL
S14289       PABNSP.EXE         Update for PABNSP.DLL
S14371       ATTIMP.EXE         Update for ATTIMP.EXE
S14674       SCHDUPD.EXE        Update for SCHDIST.EXE
S14373       WIZARD.EXE         Update for WIZARD.DLL
S15601       FRMUPD.EXE         E-Forms User Set Up Files for Windows NT


You can download any of these self-extracting files from the following services:

  • Microsoft's World Wide Web Site on the Internet On the www.microsoft.com home page, click the Support icon. Click Knowledge Base, and select the product. Enter kbfile <FILENAME>.EXE, and click GO! Open the article, and click the button to download the file.
  • Internet (anonymous FTP) ftp ftp.microsoft.com Change to the Softlib/Mslfiles folder. Get <FILENAME>.EXE
  • The Microsoft Network On the Edit menu, click Go To, and then click Other Location. Type mssupport. Double-click the MS Software Library icon. Find the appropriate product area. Locate and Download <FILENAME>.EXE.
For additional information about downloading, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services

Electronic Forms Designer

 .EXE                                   Rel.    File(s)     File     File
Filename Title                          Date   Included    Size(s)  Date(s)

EFSETUP  Microsoft Electronic Forms     1/94 CMDKINST.EX_   31,210 10-13-93
         Designer SETUP.EXE Version 1.1         SETUP.EXE   15,360 09-20-93
         Update                              USERINST.EX_   37,205 10-13-93

FRMUPD   User Setup for Running on     10/95     MAPI.DLL   19,760 11-29-93
         Windows NT                           MEFINST.EXE   16,896  2-21-94
                                               MEFLIB.DLL   25,088 11-19-93
                                               MEFXEC.EXE   19,280 10-21-93
                                              SETUP32.EXE   18,432 12-08-93

Mail for PC Networks

 .EXE                                   Rel.    File(s)     File     File
Filename Title                          Date   Included    Size(s)  Date(s)

ADMUPD   Microsoft Mail ADMIN.EXE       4/95    ADMIN.EXE  534,141 04-13-95
         Version 3.2.17 Update

EXTUPD   Microsoft Mail External        5/95    ASYNC.OVL  371,978 04-14-95
         Version 3.2.18 Update               EXTERNAL.EXE   57,551 04-14-95
                                             X25ATLAN.OVL  376,970 04-14-95
                                             X25EICON.OVL  395,978 04-14-95

SRVUPD   Microsoft Mail SRVMAIN.EXE     2/95  SRVMAIN.EXE  163,941 02-07-95
         Version 3.2.14 Update                SCONFIX.EXE    6,887 01-13-95
                                               LISTDS.EXE   22,495 01-23-95
NOTE: The following Application Note, WA0641 "Database Maintenance Utilities," is only available when you call Microsoft Product Support.
WA0641   Database Maintenance Utilities 4/95 ACCTONME.EXE   20,071 05-09-90
                                              DUMPFLD.EXE   24,934 02-19-91
                                              DUMPIDX.EXE   15,113 09-05-90
                                              DUMPKEY.EXE   19,997 02-10-92
                                              ESCNTLR.EXE   16,465 05-17-94
                                               FIXFLD.EXE   28,259 11-28-90
                                               FIXIDX.EXE   10,369 02-13-90
                                              GIMPORT.EXE  134,042 03-31-95
                                             LISTUSER.EXE   32,138 05-10-94
                                             MOVEFOLD.EXE   17,681 10-19-91
                                                MVCAL.EXE   48,839 10-06-92
                                              NETDUMP.EXE   26,501 05-16-94
                                               REVERT.EXE   18,885 07-04-92

WA0725   Directory Synchronization     10/94  DSSCHED.EXE   22,135 04-06-94
         (Dir-Sync)                            LISTDS.EXE   22,065 10-07-94
                                                LISTQ.EXE   20,003 09-29-94

WA0883   Postoffice Diagnostics         1/95  AGCHECK.PO_   76,078 09-28-94
         Utility Version 3.2.1                CTL3DV2.DL_   11,249 09-28-94
                                              DSCHECK.PO_   67,285 09-28-94
                                             GENPOSUM.PO_   16,268 09-28-94
                                               MFC200.DL_  154,314 09-28-94
                                             MSCOMSTF.DL_   37,722 09-28-94
                                             MSCUISTF.DL_    8,272 09-28-94
                                             MSDETECT.IN_    3,742 09-28-94
                                             MSDETSTF.DL_   13,519 09-28-94
                                             MSINSSTF.DL_   36,858 09-28-94
                                             MSSHARED.IN_    1,032 09-28-94
                                             MSSHLSTF.DL_    8,234 09-28-94
                                             MSUILSTF.DL_    3,611 09-28-94
                                               PODIAG.EX_   51,659 09-28-94
                                               PODIAG.HL_   91,428 09-28-94
                                               README.TXT    5,876 01-16-95
                                                SETUP.EXE   24,624 09-28-94
                                                SETUP.IN_      757 09-28-94
                                                SETUP.LST      680 09-28-94
                                                SETUP.LY_      720 09-28-94
                                             SETUPAPI.IN_   11,015 09-28-94
                                              SFCHECK.PO_   72,729 09-28-94
                                              UMCHECK.PO_   82,757 09-28-94
                                                  VER.DL_    5,653 09-28-94
                                             _MSSETUP.EX_    6,622 09-28-94
                                              _MSTEST.EX_   49,647 09-28-94
                                              _MSTEST.MS_    2,906 09-28-94

IMPUPD   Microsoft Mail IMPORT.EXE     5/95   IMPORT.EXE  204,675 05-03-95
          Version 3.2.18 Update

WA0940   Recommendations for Better     4/94     N/A        N/A      N/A

REBUPD    Microsoft Mail REBUILD.EXE    2/95  REBUILD.EXE   85,987 02-21-95
          Version 3.2.16 Update
DOSMAIL  Microsoft Mail MS-DOS Client   6/94     MAIL.EXE  267,169 04-25-94
         MAIL.EXE Version 3.0.2 Update

MVUSR   Microsoft Mail MOVEUSER.EXE    7/94 MOVEUSER.EXE  201,728 06-23-94
         Version 3.2.8 Update

Mail for PC Networks, Macintosh Workstation

 .HQX                                   Rel.    File(s)     File     File
Filename Title                          Date   Included    Size(s)  Date(s)

MACLIENT Microsoft Mail Macintosh       3/95 MACLIENT.HQX  414,806 02-15-95
         Client 3.0.6 Update

Mail for Windows

 .EXE                                   Rel.    File(s)     File     File
Filename Title                          Date   Included    Size(s)  Date(s)

MAILUPD  Microsoft Mail for Windows     5/95   MSMAIL.EXE  300,560 04-15-95
         MSMAIL.EXE Version 3.20.4085

MAPIUPD  Microsoft Mail Simple MAPI     5/95 FRAMEWRK.DLL  221,168 05-06-93
         Update                                  MAPI.DLL   54,208 02-01-95
                                               SAMPLE.EXE  334,884 09-17-93
                                             TECHDISK.EXE  216,727 09-17-93
                                             TECHDOCS.EXE  289,006 09-17-93

MMFUTIL  Microsoft Mail MMFCLEAN.EXE    2/95 DEMILAYR.DLL   48,304 07-01-93
         Utility                              MAILMGR.DLL   51,632 07-01-93
                                             MMFCLEAN.EXE   43,520 10-12-94
                                             MMFCLEAN.INI    1,398 12-13-93
                                                STORE.DLL  231,264 02-01-94
                                                  VMB.386    9,273 02-24-92
                                                   WX.EXE   14,215 03-03-92
                                               WXSRVR.EXE   17,920 03-03-92

MSSFS    Microsoft Mail for Windows     4/95    MSSFS.DLL  266,848 04-04-95
         MSSFS.DLL Version

SCHMSG   Mail SCHEDMSG.DLL Version      5/95 SCHEDMSG.DLL   75,952 04-12-95
         3.2.4086 Update

SETUPD   Running the Windows Client     5/95    SETUP.EXE   62,880 07-22-94
         from the Network                       SETUP.INF    6,525 11-23-94

WSETUP   SETUP.INF for Windows for      2/95    SETUP.INF    6,940 10-18-94
         Workgroups 3.11
VFORMUPD Microsoft Mail for Windows     6/94   VFORMS.DLL  143,552 01-28-94
         VFORMS.DLL Version

PABNSP  Microsoft Mail for Windows      6/94   PABNSP.DLL   44,656 08-06-93
        PABNSP.DLL Version

Windows for Workgroups Mail

 .EXE                                   Rel.    File(s)     File     File
Filename Title                          Date   Included    Size(s)  Date(s)

MDRVUPD  Microsoft Mail MAILDRV.EXE     4/94  MAILDRV.EXE   23,952 10-20-93
         Version Update

Mail Remote

 .EXE                                   Rel.    File(s)     File     File
Filename Title                          Date   Included    Size(s)  Date(s)

MSRMTCN  Mail Remote MSRMTCN.DLL        7/95  MSRMTCN.DLL   23,776  6-15-95
         Version 3.2.4013 Update

MSRMTSU  Mail Remote for MSRMTSU.DLL    7/95  MSRMTSU.DLL   34,816  6-15-95
         Version Update

MSRMT    Mail Remote MSRMT.DLL          7/95    MSRMT.DLL  234,544  6-15-95
         Version 3.2.4013 Update

MSRUPD   Mail Remote MSRMTTR.DLL        7/95  MSRMTTR.DLL   76,576  6-15-95
         Version Update

MSRMTUI  Mail Remote MSRMTUI.DLL        7/95  MSRMTUI.DLL  165,136  6-15-95
         Version Update

RMTUPD   Microsoft Mail Remote MAIL.EXE 3/93     MAIL.EXE  221,089 02-15-93
         Version 3.0.2 Update

ATTIMP   AT&T Access Plus Folder        9/93   ATTIMP.EXE   17,808 06-09-93
         Conversion Utility for Mail
         Remote for Windows

ATTMAIL  Microsoft Mail ATTMAIL.DLL     2/94  ATTMAIL.DLL  215,760 12-15-93
         Version Update

Schedule+ for Windows

 .EXE                                   Rel.    File(s)     File     File
Filename Title                          Date   Included    Size(s)  Date(s)

SPLUS    Microsoft Schedule+ SPLUS.DLL  4/95    SPLUS.DLL   84,240 11-11-94
         Version 1.00.4002 Update               SPLUS.TXT
         and SAL Files                         README.TXT
WIZARD   Adding Sharp Wizard Options to 9/93   WIZARD.DLL   12,272 10-05-92
         Schedule+ Running Under
         Windows for Workgroups

SCHDUPD  Microsoft Schedule+            7/94  SCHDIST.EXE  194,154 06-09-94
         SCHDIST.EXE version 1.0a.2

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:8/16/2005