Always IN-2000 BIOS Versions Change Switch Functionality (111802)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.1
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.1
  • Microsoft Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1

This article was previously published under Q111802


The Always IN-2000 SCSI adapter has switches that allow you to set the IRQ, I/O port address, and so on, but the Windows NT Adapter Card Setup Help file (NTCARD.HLP) documentation for the switch settings is applicable only if your IN-2000 card has BIOS version VCN:1.02.


There are several different BIOS versions available for the Always IN-2000 cards, and each of these BIOS upgrades changes the functionality of one of the hardware switches (SW1-8).

The following settings are consistent across all BIOS versions:
SW1-1  SW1-2   Segment Address
 off    off     C800h-CBFFh
 on     off     D800h-DBFFh
 off    on      D000h-D3FFh
 on     on      BIOS DISABLED

SW1-3  SW1-4   I/O Port Address
 off    off     220h-22Fh
 on     off     200h-20Fh
 off    on      110h-11Fh
 on     on      100h-10Fh

SW1-5  SW1-6  SW1-7  Interrupt (IRQ)
 off    off    off    15
 off    on     off    14
 off    off    on     11
 off    on     on     10
 on     ---    ---    DISABLED

SW1-9  Floppy Controller
 off    DISABLED
 on     ENABLED

SW1-10 is not used.
However, the functionality of SW1-8 changes, depending on which BIOS version you have.

If you have BIOS version 3.xx (these are earlier versions), SW1-8 should be left off.

If you have BIOS version VCN:1.02, SW1-8 controls the support of synchronous data transfers. If this switch is off, the data transfers are asynchronous; if it is on, they are synchronous.

If you have BIOS version VCN:1.03, SW1-8 controls the support of multiple drives. If this switch is off, multiple drive support is disabled; if it is on, multiple drive support is enabled.

The IN-2000 SCSI card is manufactured by Always Technology, a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding this product's performance or reliability.

You can contact the Always Technical Support BBS at (818) 597-0275 or call them at (818) 597-9595.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/20/2003
Keywords:kbHardware KB111802