PUB: Publisher Borders: Text Overlapping Graphics (110519)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Publisher for Windows 3.0
  • Microsoft Publisher for Windows 2.0
  • Microsoft Publisher for Windows 2.0a

This article was previously published under Q110519


When using the irregular text wrap feature in Publisher, "degenerate polygons" may appear (that is, outline shapes where edges overlap) or large "pizza-slice-shaped" spikes may intrude into the interior of the region occupied by the graphic. These types of border outlines can cause problems with Publisher's ability to correctly determine where to wrap text around the graphic and can cause text to overlap graphics where they should not.


To allow Publisher to correctly calculate where to wrap text, delete or adjust any control points that cause line segments to intersect or control points that cause deep "pizza-slice-shaped" spikes into the interior of the graphic.


Steps to Reproduce Problem

  1. Start Publisher.
  2. Create a text frame and fill it with text.
  3. Create a picture frame in the middle of the text frame that covers a significant portion of the text frame and import a picture (such as ARTIST.CGM).
  4. With the picture selected, choose Picture Frame Properties from the Layout menu and choose the Picture Only option from the Wrap Text Around section. Choose OK.
  5. Select the Crop tool from the toolbar and adjust several control points around the graphic so that some of them intersect one or more other line segments in the border. Move one or more control points so as to "spike" deep into the interior of the graphic.

Expected Result

All the text wraps correctly around the border (no matter how complex the resulting shape) with no text overlapping the border.

Actual Result

Some of the text overlaps the picture frame border. The amount of text that overlaps the boundaries of the graphic varies, depending on the resulting shape.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article. This problem was corrected in Microsoft Publisher 98.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:8/16/2005
Keywords:kbbug kbusage KB110519