WD97: TOC Field Doesn't Display AUTONUM Fields (109453)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 for Windows

This article was previously published under Q109453


Automatic paragraph numbers, AUTONUM fields, are not recognized or included in the TOC field when you use TC fields and tables of contents (on the Insert menu, click Index And Tables, and then click the Table Of Contents tab).


When used in conjunction with TC fields, the results of the AUTONUM or AUTONUMLGL fields work correctly within the TC field, but the numbers do not appear in the table of contents.

For example if you insert

{TC "{AUTONUMLGL} Proceedings"}

the resulting table of contents entry will look like:


You can use a combination of SEQ fields to generate complex legal paragraph numbering in a document. For example, to generate paragraph numbers as 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, and so forth, use the following sequence fields:
   {seq one}
      {seq one \c}.{seq two}
         {seq one \c}.{seq two \c}.{seq three}
Use the \c switch to keep the individual sequence numbers current. The SEQ field without the \c switch increments to the next number. For example
   {TC "{seq one} Proceedings"}
   {TC "{seq one \c}.{seq two} Level2 Proceedings"\l2}
   {TC "{seq one \c}.{seq two \c}.{seq three} Level3 Proceedings"\l3}
results in the following table of contents:
   1. Proceedings.................................................1
        1.1 Level2 Proceedings....................................1
             1.1.1 Level3 Proceedings.............................1
The drawback to this workaround is the loss of automatic renumbering to maintain the outline numbering structure. This means that you will need to edit the SEQ fields to maintain the correct outline sequence if you move a paragraph. The Auto Numbering Fields function is to maintain the numbering structure automatically even if the paragraph is moved.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/14/2000
Keywords:kbbug kbfield KB109453