VB CDK Cannot Access the Properties of the VB System Objects (107850)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows 3.0

This article was previously published under Q107850


The Microsoft Visual Basic Control Development Kit (CDK) provides no mechanism to access the properties of the system objects. The Visual Basic system objects are Screen, Printer, App, Clipboard, and Debug.

This feature is under review and will be considered for inclusion in a future release.


The five Visual Basic system objects are as follows:
   Object      Use
   Screen      Supplies data on current form, control, and screen display.
   Printer     Enables printing text and graphics to the printer.
   App         Supplies information specific to the application.
   Clipboard   Gives access to the Windows Clipboard.
   Debug       Enables printing to the Debug window in Visual Basic.
Because the system objects are global, you can use them in code anywhere in your application. You cannot declare object variables for any of these system objects, and you cannot pass the system objects to a procedure.

The Control Development Kit is provided with the professional edition of Visual Basic for Windows.


"Visual Basic 3.0: Programmer's Guide," version 3.0, page 206, "System Objects."

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:1/8/2003