Support for COMPAQ SCSI Compression and Option Host Adapters (106215)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.1
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.1

This article was previously published under Q106215


Windows NT does not contain drivers for the COMPAQ SCSI Compression Adapter and the older COMPAQ SCSI Option Adapter. COMPAQ provides these SCSI adapters as optional equipment on some of their models. Neither one is listed on the Windows NT Hardware Compatibility List (HCL). However, COMPAQ has written a Windows NT driver that supports these two SCSI adapters.


The driver that supports the COMPAQ SCSI Compression Adapter and the COMPAQ SCSI Option Adapter is called SCSICOMP.SYS, and it is available on the COMPAQ Support Software Diskette (SSD) for Microsoft Windows NT. The SSD can be downloaded from the COMPAQ BBS. The number for the COMPAQ BBS is (713) 378-1418.

The name of the archive file to download is SP0616.ZIP. The file unzips into SP0616.EXE, which is a self extracting archive file. When the EXE is executed, it explodes into several other files. One of these is README3H.1ST which contains instructions on how to create the SSD.

The following information was taken from the file SCSICOMP.RDM which is located on the COMPAQ SSD. This is some additional information on usage of the COMPAQ SCSI Compression Adapter and the COMPAQ SCSI Option Adapter with the driver (SCSICOMP.SYS) provided by COMPAQ.

  • When you use the internal connector on the COMPAQ SCSI Compression Adapter, the external connector must be terminated with the terminator which came with the adapter. Unpredictable results may occur otherwise.
  • This driver will run ONLY with Microsoft Windows NT or Windows NT Advanced Server version 3.1. Using the driver with earlier Beta versions may give unpredictable results.
  • Backup can be performed using this driver only if the backup hardware vendor provides class drivers for the tape backup devices which can be attached to the COMPAQ SCSI Compression or Option Adapter. The three tape devices that the COMPAQ SCSI Compression and Option Adapter support are: COMPAQ 320/525 MB tape drive, the COMPAQ 320/525 MB ACA tape drive and the COMPAQ 1.3/2.0 GB DAT drive.
The products mentioned here are manufactured by a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:10/28/2003
Keywords:kbHardware KB106215