Mac Gty: Gateway Entry Behavior After Gateway Removal/Install (104127)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Mail for AppleTalk Networks 3.0
  • Microsoft Mail for AppleTalk Networks 3.1

This article was previously published under Q104127


With version 3.0 or 3.1 of Microsoft Mail for AppleTalk Networks, you may receive an undeliverable mail message when you send mail to gateway recipients you added to your Personal Address Book (PAB). If the particular gateway has been removed, Mail will be returned to you with the following error message:
Could not be delivered because the gateway has been removed
This may cause confusion, because you would expect gateway recipients to be removed when the gateway is removed.


System-defined gateway recipients such as those added by the network manager or by a batch process such as the Connection Name utility will be removed when the gateway is removed. This removal is by design. System-defined gateway recipients can be copied and installed by using the Gateway Installer program. To preserve the account information, the network manager should use the Copy Accounts and Recipients feature of the the Gateway Installer before removing the gateway or rebuilding the Mail Data file. After the gateway resources have been installed, the Install Accounts and Recipients option will replace the user information.

In contrast, if you add gateway recipients to your PAB through the particular gateway's custom form or the Special Addressing Form, the recipients will remain in your address book after the gateway is removed. The means you use to remove the gateway has no visual effect; user-defined gateway recipients will remain whether the gateway is removed with the Gateway Installer or whether the gateway is erased as a consequence of rebuilding the data file using Mail Tools. Administrator-defined gateway recipients will be removed in either case.

System-defined gateway recipients who are added to a user's PAB will be removed when the gateway is removed. Only entries that were defined by the user using the special icon or a custom one-off addressing screen will remain in the PAB.


Reinstalling the gateway (either the master gateway with the same two-letter ID code, or the access gateway) should reactivate those user-defined gateway recipients stored in your PAB. Once the recipient's source gateway is reinstalled, you should be able to send messages to the recipient just as you had before the gateway was removed. Microsoft has tested and confirmed this process with the AppleLink, Fax, and Mail Connection gateways.

However, some third-party gateways may produce different results. If selecting the recipient and clicking the Details button fails to return the correct information, you must redefine the gateway recipient.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:10/28/2003