Sound Blaster CD-ROM Driver Does Not Support CD Audio (103486)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.1
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.1
  • Microsoft Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1

This article was previously published under Q103486
The Sound Blaster CD-ROM driver (MKECR5XX) that ships with Windows NT is for accessing data, MIDI, and .WAV files only. It is not compatible with either the Media Player (CD Audio option) or the CD Player utilities provided with Windows NT and cannot play CD Audio files.

Neither the Sound Blaster Pro or the most prevalent CD-ROM drives that accompany the sound card and its proprietary interface (Panasonic CR-521 and the CR-561) support Multimedia (CD Audio) operation in Windows NT.


If a pure CD Audio disc is inserted and then you access it using the Media Player or the CD Player, no sound or very low sound will be heard. If you then insert a data disk and attempt to access the CD-ROM from File Manager, an "Incorrect Function" error message appears on the screen. Furthermore, if the computer is booted with a pure CD Audio disc inserted, data functionality is lost at the outset of the Windows NT session and the drive is either not recognized at all or, if it is recognized, an "Incorrect Function" error message will still appear when you attempt to access data. In either case, data functionality is lost and the system must be rebooted to provide access to the CD-ROM for data transfers.

A compact disc that has data, MIDI and .WAV files (such as MS Bookshelf) will function correctly. These files can be accessed through the Media Player or Sound Recorder by selecting the appropriate media format from within the applet. A disc that has data, MIDI, WAV and CD Audio files (such as MS Multimedia Beethoven) function, but CD Audio files do not play.

NOTE: Attempting to play the CD Audio files on MS Beethoven does not corrupt data functionality of the CD-ROM driver (MKECR5XX) like trying to access a pure audio CD will do. The files just won't play.

The products included here are manufactured by vendors independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/20/2003
Keywords:kbHardware KB103486