REG: Network Services Entries, Part 5 (103001)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.1
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.1
  • Microsoft Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1

This article was previously published under Q103001


The article contains Registry entries for network services, Part 5. These subgroups are included.

  • NetLogon Service
  • NetworkProvider
For a listing of the contents of network services entries articles 1-8, see "Network Services Entries, Part 1."

NetLogon Service Entries

The Registry path for the parameters for the NetLogon service is:


   This is parameter used to debug the NetLogon service. This
   parameter is used only if the NETLOGON.DLL is checked binary. When
   this flag is set and the NETLOGON.DLL is checked binary, the
   NetLogon service logs debug information in NETLOGON.LOG file under
   the NETLOGON share directory. Each bit of this debug flag is used
   to log debug information for a subcomponent of NetLogon. For the
   following assigned bits, the most significant 16 bits of the flag
   are more verbose, and the least significant 16 bits are less

   Constant          Value               Meaning

   NL_INIT          0x00000001          Initialization
   NL_MISC          0x00000002          Miscellaneous debug
   NL_LOGON         0x00000004          Logon processing
   NL_SYNC          0x00000008          Synchronization and replication

   NL_MAILSLOT      0x00000010          Mailslot messages
   NL_CRITICAL      0x00000100          Only important errors
   NL_SESSION_      0x00000200          Trusted Domain maintenance
   NL_PACK          0x00000800          Pack/Unpack of sync messages
   NL_WAN           0x00001000          WAN support
   NL_CHANGELOG     0x00002000          Change Log references
   NL_PACK_         0x01000000          Verbose Pack/Unpack
   NL_MAILSLOT_     0x02000000          Verbose Mailslot messages
   NL_CHALLENGE_    0x04000000          Challenge response debug
   NL_NETLIB        0x08000000          NetLogon portion of Netlib
   NL_REPL_TIME     0x00100000          Replication timing output
   NL_REPL_OBJ_     0x00200000          Replication objects get/set timing
   TIME                                 output
   NL_ENCRYPT       0x00400000          Debug encrypt and decrypt across
   NL_SYNC_MORE     0x00800000          Additional replication DbgPrint

   NOTE: The NETLOGON share name should also be in the path for logon

PulseInterval     REG_DWORD     60 to 3600 seconds
   Specifies how long a domain controller waits before sending each
   update notice to Windows NT Advanced Servers. When this value is
   not specified in the Registry, NetLogon determines optimal values
   depending on the domain controller's load. Default: 300

Randomize     REG_DWORD     15 to 120 seconds
   Specifies the amount of time a Windows NT Advanced Server domain
   controller uses to stagger requests sent to the domain controller.
   This value is used by every server in the domain. When the domain
   controller sends update message to the servers, it includes the
   Randomize value in the message. The servers receiving that message
   will wait a maximum of that many seconds before responding to that

   When this value is not specified in the Registry, NetLogon
   determines optimal values depending on the domain controller's
   load. Default: 30

Scripts     REG_SZ     Pathname
   Specifies the fully qualified path name to where logon scripts
   reside. This value can be set using the Services icon in Control
   Panel or the Server Manager. Default: NULL

Update     REG_SZ     Yes or No
   When this value is set to Yes, NetLogon fully synchronizes the
   database each time it starts. Default: No

NetworkProvider Service Entries

If more than one network is present under Windows NT, each network has
a Services subkey that include a value for Group of NetworkProvider
plus its own subkey named NetworkProvider, under the following
Registry path:

        \Services\Service or Driver Key Name\NetworkProvider

The following entry values should appear under the NetworkProvider
subkey for each network the computer can use:

ProviderName     REG_SZ     Name
   Specifies the name of the Provider, which is displayed as the
   network name in Browse dialog boxes. This name is defined by the
   network vendor, and is usually some variation of the product name.
   Default: Defined by network vendor

ProviderPath     REG_SZ     DLL pathname
   Specifies the full path of the DLL that implements the network
   provider. Default: Defined by network vendor

The following value entries are present if the provider supports the
Windows NT credential manager functions:

Class     REG_DWORD     Class name
   Identifies the class (or type) of provider functionality that the
   provider supports. Valid values are:

   Constant                    Hexadecimal Value
   WN_NETWORK_CLASS            0x00000001
   WN_CREDENTIAL_CLASS         0x00000002
   WN_PRIMARY_AUTHENT_CLAS     0x00000004

   These values may be connected with OR statements where appropriate.

AuthentProviderPath     REG_DWORD     DLL pathname
   Identifies the path and filename for the DLL that exports the
   credential manager API functions. This value is only useful if the
   provider is identified as being a CREDENTIAL_CLASS or
   PRIMARY_AUTHENT_CLASS provider, when the developer has chosen to
   package the network functions and credential manager functions in
   separate DLLs.

The NetworkProvider subkey under CurrentControlSet\Control provides a
list of the available network providers.


"The Windows NT Resource Kit for Operating System Version 3.1."

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/20/2003
Keywords:kbother KB103001