User Preferences Entries, PART 4 (102979)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.1
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.1
  • Microsoft Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1

This article was previously published under Q102979
The article contains REGISTRY entries for User Preferences, Part 4. These subgroups are included:

  • Network Connection Entries for Users
  • Network Software Entries for Users
  • Program Manager Entries for Users:
  • Program Groups Entries
  • Program Manager Software Groups Entries
  • Restrictions Entries for Program Manager
  • Program Manager Settings Entries

This is the fourth of five articles on the User Preferences entries; for the other entries, see "User Preferences Entries, Part 1," "User Preferences Entries, Part 2," "User Preferences Entries, Part 3," and "User Preferences Entries, Part 5".



The information presented here is primarily for troubleshooting, showing the default entry values and explaining the meaning of important entries. There are no hidden values that you can set for user preferences. All of these values can be set using the icons in Control Panel or the tools in the Administrative Tools group, or other programs provided with Windows NT.

All Registry paths shown here are for HKEY_CURRENT_USER, to show how you can view entries for the currently logged on user. However, most of these entries also appear in HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT, where changing entries will change values for the default user profile.
This section describes the user preferences and settings for the network.


The following Registry path contains the list of specific shares to
reconnect when the user logs on:


The Network subkey does not appear unless you are connected to a shared
directory when the Reconnect At Logon option was checked in File Manager.
There is a subkey for each shared directory to be reconnected at system
startup. The name of the subkey is the drive-letter designated for the
connection. Each such subkey can contain the following entries:

ConnectionType   REG_DWORD   0x1 or 1x2
Default: 0x1

Specifies connection types as 0x1 for drive redirection or 0x2 for print

ProviderName   REG_SZ   Network name
Default: Microsoft Windows Network

Specifies the network provider for the path to the shared directory.

RemotePath   REG_SZ   UNC sharename

Specifies the UNC name for the shared directory.

UserName   REG_SZ   usename
Default:  (blank) (That is, the name of currently logged on user is

Specifies the username under whose authority the connection was
established. The password is not remembered. This name can appear in the
Connect As box in the Connect Network Drive dialog box in File Manager.


The following path contains subkeys with settings for user preferences
related to Event Viewer, Server Manager, User Manager, and User Manager for

   \Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Network

The following table summarizes default settings in the Network subkeys. All
entries have REG_SZ data types.

Network subkey   Default value entries
Event viewer     Filter=(as chosen in the Filter dialog box)
                 Find=; (String from Find dialog box)
                 IfNT=1 (1=focused on Windows NT server)
                 LogType=0 (0=system; 1=security; 2=application;
                 4=read from a file)
                 Module=System (or Security or Application)
                 SortOrder=0 (0=new events first;
                 1=old events first)
                 Window=132 126 504 282 0 (position and minimize)
Server Manager   AccountsOnly=0
                 View=4 (1=view workstations; 2=view screen)
                 ViewExtension (file being viewed if View=0)
User Manager     SaveSetting=1
User Manager     Confirmation=1
for Domains      SaveSettings=1
                 SortOrder=0 (for sort by full name)
                 Window=132 90 480 258 0

The following defines most of the common parameters for these applications:

Confirmation   REG_SZ   Boolean

Specifies whether the application requests user confirmation for actions
such as deletions or other value changes.

SaveSettings   REG_SZ   Boolean

Specifies whether options selected in the application are saved when the
application is closed.

SortOrder   REG_SZ   Boolean

Specifies the sort order followed by the application, where 1 specifies
sort by username, and 0 specifies sort by full name.

Window   Reg_SZ   Pixel location for window

Specifies window location when application was last closed as four numbers
plus 1 or 0 to indicate whether the window was iconized.

The Persistent Connections subkey contains entries that control the
restoration of network connections, under this Registry path:

   \CurrentVersion\Network\Persistent Connections

DriveMappingLetter   REG_SZ   UNC  sharename

An entry appears for each connection to a shared network directory.

Order   REG_SZ   drive-letter order

Specifies the order for the shared directory connections.

SaveConnections   REG_SZ   Yes or No

Contains the value set by the Reconnect At Logon check box in the Connect
Network Drive dialog box in File Manager.
Default: Yes

The following Network parameter is found in this Registry path:

   \CurrentVersion\Network\World Full Access Shared Parameters

ExpandLogonDomain   REG_SZ   Yes or No
Default: Yes

Specifies whether the Shared Directories list is expanded by default in the
Connect Network Drive dialog box. This is the value set in the Connect
Network Drive dialog box in File Manager by checking the Expand By Default
check box.

The following parameter is used by the Windows NT administrative

   \CurrentVersion\Network\Shared Parameters

Slow Mode   REG_SZ   String

Stores information about which servers and domains are across a Low Speed
Connection. User Manager for Domains, Server Manager, and Event Viewer read
this information unless explicitly told whether to start in Low Speed
Connection mode. The cache is updated each time one of these applications
is started or set to a new, nonlocal focus, or when the user explicitly
changes the Low Speed Connectionsetting. This is an LRU cache of up to 20
focus targets. The first entry is the most recently used.

This is a shared state between users, so if one user changes the cached
setting for a target focus, other users get that setting by default. The
user must be a member of a group with Power Users or better privileges to
have access to this subkey.


Program Groups Entries

The Program Group key contains subkeys that define the contents of all
personal program groups in Program Manager, under this Registry path:

   HKEY_CURENT_USER\Program Groups

Common groups are defined under the following key:

   HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Program Groups

The information stored in these subkeys is in binary format, so you cannot
easily edit it from Registry Editor. To change the content of program
groups, use the mouse and keyboard techniques in Program Manager.

Program Manager Software Groups Entries

The Groups key specifies group numbers for the defined program groups,
under this Registry path:

   Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Program Manager\Groups

These are the default entries. All data types are REG_SZ.

   Group3=Administrative Tools

Restrictions Entries for Program Manager

The Restrictions subkey defines restrictions for activities in Program
Manager, under this Registry path:

   Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
   \Program Manager\Restrictions

Restrictions can be defined for users in User Profile Editor.

EditLevel   REG_DWORD   Number
Default: 0

Sets restrictions for what users can modify in Program Manager. You can
specify one of the following values.

Value      Meaning
0          Allows the user to make any change. (This is the default value.)
1          Prevents the user from creating, deleting or renaming groups. If
           you specify this value, the New, Move, Copy, and Delete commands
           on the File menu are not available when a group is selected.
2          Sets all restrictions in EditLevel=1 and prevents the user from
           creating or deleting program items. If you specify this value,
           the New, Move, Copy, and Delete commands on the File menu are
           not available at all.
3          Sets all restrictions in EditLevel=2 and prevents the user from
           changing command lines for program items. If you specify this
           value, the text in the Command Line box in the Properties dialog
           box cannot be changed.
4          Sets all restrictions in EditLevel=3 and prevents the user from
           changing any program item information. If you specify this
           value, none of the areas in the Properties dialog box can be
           modified. The user can view the dialog box, but all of the areas
           are dimmed.

NoClose   REG_DWORD   0 or 1
Default: 0

Disables the Exit Windows command on the File menu if this value is1. Users
cannot quit Program Manager through the File Menu or theControl menu (the
Exit Windows and Close commands will be dimmed),or by using ALT+F4.

NoFileMenu   REG_DWORD   0 or 1
Default: 0

Removes the File menu from Program Manager if this value is 1. All of the
commands on that menu are unavailable. Users can start the applications in
groups by selecting them and pressing ENTER, or by double-clicking the
icon. Unless you have also disabled the Exit Windows command, users can
still quit Windows by using the Control menu or ALT+F4.

NoRun   REG_DWORD   0 or 1
Default: 0

Disables the Run command on the File menu if this value is 1. The Run
command is dimmed on the File menu, and the user cannot run applications
from Program Manager unless the applications are set up as icons in a

NoSaveSettings   REG_DWORD   0 or 1
Default: 0

Disables the Save Settings on Exit command on the Options menu if this
value is 1. The Save Settings command is dimmed on the Options menu, and
any changes that the user makes to the arrangement of windows and icons are
not saved when Windows NT is restarted. This setting overrides the
SaveSettings value in the Program Manager subkey.

Restrictions   REG_DWORD   0 or 1
Default: 0

Turns restrictions on or off.

ShowCommonGroups   REG_DWORD   0 or 1
Default: 0x1

Controls whether common program groups are displayed.

Program Manager Settings Entries

AutoArrange   REG_DWORD   0 or 1
Default: 0x1

If the AutoArrange command is checked on the Options menu in Program
Manager, this value is 1, and the icons in each group are automatically
arranged when you run Program Manager.

display.drv   REG_SZ   filename
Default: vga.drv

Defines the video display driver used.

MinOnRun   REG_DWORD   0 or 1
Default: 0x1

If the Minimize On Use command is checked on the Options menu in Program
Manager, this value is 1, and Program Manager is iconized when you run
another application.

Order   REG_SZ
Default:  5 4 2 1 3

SaveSettings   REG_DWORD   0 or 1
Default: 0x1

If the Save Settings On Exit command on the Options menu is checked in
Program Manager, this value is 1, and Program Manager saves the current
configuration when you close Windows.

Window   REG_SZ
Default: 68 63 636 421 1

Four numbers that indicate the pixel position of the window when Program
Manager is opened, followed by a 1 if the window is maximized.


"The Windows NT Resource Kit for Operating System Version 3.1".

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/20/2003
Keywords:kbinfo kbother KB102979