Mac Srv: Microsoft Mail Remote Resource Protocol Errors (102124)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Mail for AppleTalk Networks 3.0
  • Microsoft Mail for AppleTalk Networks 3.1

This article was previously published under Q102124


Versions 3.0 and 3.1 of Microsoft Mail for AppleTalk Networks Macintosh workstation communicates with the Microsoft Mail Server via Microsoft Remote Resource Protocol (MRRP) calls.


The following are possible error codes that may be returned regarding a condition on the workstation and on the server. You may see these error codes in the Gateway Installer, Gateway Services Monitor, and errors reported to the Network Manager by gateways and other places.

Workstation Related Errors

msmDErrUnknownRequest         -3000    The driver doesn't recognize this

msmDErrNoMailServers          -2999    No mail servers can be found

msmDErrNotLoggedOn            -2998    The user is not logged on

msmDErrUnknownUser            -2997    The username given is unknown to the

msmDErrTooBig                 -2996    Reserved for PC Use

msmDErrNoGWS                  -2995    No gateway services available

msmDErrOutgoingTooBig         -2994    Outgoing message too big

msmDErrMultipleServers        -2993    Multiple servers found

msmDErrNoServerChosen         -2992    No server chosen

msmDErrIncompatibleServer     -2991    Server is incompatible with driver

msmDErrBadString              -2990    Bad string passed to driver function

msmDErrNoPCRam,               -2989    PC Client only

msmDErrLangMismatch,          -2988

msmDErrLostServer,            -2987

msmDErrNotReentrant,          -2986

msmDErrNoOfflineResources,    -2985

msmDErrNoCacheFile,           -2984

msmDErrNoLocalFolderFile,     -2983

msmDErrLocalFolderFileMunged  -2982

msmDErrOffline                -2981    Driver is offline, can't complete

msmDErrFolderLocation         -2979    Can't create folder in that location

msmTErrUnknownUser            -2500    No match or multiple match for user

msmTErrNeverSent              -2499    The message has not been sent to the

msmTErrCancelled              -2498    The user hit the cancel button

msmTErrNoAsnElem              -2497    The message is missing a required

Server Related Errors

msmSErrUnknownRequest         -5000    The server doesn't recognize this

msmSErrNotLoggedOn            -4999    The user is not logged into this

msmSErrNoStore                -4998    The server is out of memory

msmSErrNoDisk                 -4997    The server is out of disk space

msmSErrNotFound               -4996    The server can't find a requested

msmSErrDataRead               -4995    The server failed on a disk read

msmSErrEOD                    -4994    Attempted access out of resource

msmSErrServerFull             -4993    Server is full

msmSErrNoUserList             -4800    The message is missing a userlist

msmSErrBadAsn                 -4799    The message is malformed

msmSErrNoAsnElem              -4798    The message is missing a required

msmSErrDemoLimited            -4797    Failed because the server is a demo

msmSErrUnknownUser            -4600    The server does not recognize this

msmSErrBadPassword            -4599    The user gave a bad password

msmSErrBadCreate              -4598    This user couldn't be created

msmSErrUserExists             -4597    This user already exists

msmSErrNotAllowed             -4596    User is not Network Manager

msmSErrNoDelSysMgr            -4595    Attempted to delete Network Manager

msmSErrUserHasMail            -4594    Tried to delete user with mail

msmSErrBadGuess               -4593    Resource ID already in use

msmSErrListNotFound           -4397    Indexed resource not found

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:10/23/2003