ftp.digital.com World-Wide Web Server
The FTP archive on ftp.digital.com is an unsupported service of
the North East Internet Infrastructure Services group.
Use entirely at your own risk - no warranty is expressed or implied.
Complaints and questions about its operation should be sent to
Before you mail to
please read the
Reporting Problems
section at the bottom of this page.
Note: Some of the software available in our archive falls under
U.S. export controls (please read if you're located
outside of the U.S).
Services and support (including firmware and drivers) for Compaq/Digital
PC products are available from the
Compaq support web site .
For information on Compaq's full line of products and services, see the
Compaq corporate web page.
Archive Services and Information
The following documents might be of interest. They're intended
primarily for FTP users (you'll find them in ftp.digital.com:/):
Reporting Problems
Problems regarding the FTP archive on ftp.digital.com should be
directed to
Please don't send us
"I need help"
questions like these:
- Please send me information on the Incas.
- Where can I find the driver for the Framotz PC display card?.
- I'm new to the Internet, how do I install 386BSD on my PC?
- What's the best pizza recipe to satisfy my Mom?
We can't help you with this type of stuff. And, yes, the above are
actual examples from mail that we've received.
ftp.digital.com Archive Administrators