Name: 5400/6400 Disk Tools Version: 7.6 Released: July 8, 1997 Requires: Any US Power Macintosh 5400 or 6400 series computer with Mac OS 7.6.1 pre-installed. Description: If you purchased a 5400 and 6400 series Power Macintosh with Mac OS 7.6.1 pre-installed, the Disk Tools disk image included on the Power Macintosh 5400, 6400 and 6500 series CD will not boot your computer. This disk image corrects that problem. This disk is only supported on 5400 and 6400 series Power Macintosh computers. It should not be used on any other computer. This software consists of a Disk Copy compressed image, which requires Disk Copy 6.1 or later to use. Download this software to your hard drive and then double-click it to use it. Disk Copy is available in the Utilities folder.