Claris Emailer 1.1v3 Updater Updating Emailer to version 1.1v3 is required for compatibility with Open Transport 1.1.1 and beyond. This updater updates Claris Emailer 1.1v2 to Claris Emailer 1.1v3. Any previous versions of Claris Emailer from 1.0v1 through 1.1v1 will need to first be updated with the Claris Emailer 1.1v2 updater. The updater can be used on your current copy of Claris Emailer 1.1v2. It updates either the Macintosh 68K version, PowerMac version, or FAT version to the equivalent 1.1v3 version. This updater will not update any trial version of Claris Emailer or any version of Claris Emailer Lite. If you are unsure of which version you are using, launch your current Claris Emailer application and select ÒAbout Claris Emailer..Ó from the Apple menu. Prior to installation Claris recommends that you restart your Macintosh with extensions off by holding down the SHIFT key during system startup, or by starting up with system 7.5.x extensions only which can be chosen from the Sets menu in the Extensions Manager control panel. Changes and Fixes in 1.1v3 * Made changes to run properly under Open Transport (OT) 1.1.1. * Fixed problem where encoded subjects in outgoing Internet mail could show up in an error log. For further information on changes and new features included in the updater, please see the Read Me installed with the application.