ClarisDraw 1.0v4 (12/9/97*) Improvements - Saving a file to a volume with 2 Gigabytes or more space available works correctly - Grouped text objects no longer switch fonts to Geneva when ungrouped. *A version of the ClarisDraw 1.0v4 Updater was available for a brief period prior to 12/9/97, but that version did not resolve the grouped text issue. This updater will automatically combine a copy you've made of your original ClarisDraw 1.0v1, ClarisDraw 1.0v2, ClarisDraw 1.0v3, or ClarisDraw 1.0v4 updated prior to 12/9/97 with the new changes to create a new application, ClarisDraw version 1.0v4. Hard Disk Space YouÕll need enough room for a copy of the original application and the new version (approximately 3 megabytes of disk space for both). Memory You'll need 2000k of available memory to run the updater. If you don't have this much memory currently available, please contact Technical Support for assistance in updating to the latest version.