11/7/95 News Release Adaptec Acquires Power I/O Corporation Milpitas, Calif, - November 7, 1995 - Adaptec Inc.(NASDAQ:ADPT), announced today that it has acquired Power I/O Corporation of Irvine, California in a $7 million cash transaction. Power I/O, a privately-held company founded in 1993, develops high-speed input/output (I/O) and networking technologies. Grant Saviers, Adaptec chief executive officer, described the acquisition as "A synergistic move for our company. As client-server computing becomes more involved in mission-critical applications, we at Adaptec are developing serial interface technologies that ensure the evolution will be a successful one. Power I/O's expertise in enabling 1 gigabit-per-second fibre channel technology, based on Hewlett-Packard’s Tachyon technology, complements and will accelerate our own efforts." The acquisition of Power I/O will be accounted for under the purchase accounting method. Adaptec is in the process of evaluating the allocation of the purchase price to the assets acquired, which include in-process technology that will be written off in the third quarter of FY96, and goodwill, which will be amortized over the benefit period. The facilities of Power I/O will be consolidated with other Adaptec operations located in Irvine. Adaptec, Inc. (NASDAQ:ADPT) designs, manufactures, and markets IOware solutions to eliminate performance bottlenecks between micro-computers, networks, and peripherals. Solutions range from simple connectivity products for single-user and small office desktops, to intelligent subsystem, high performance SCSI, RAID, and ATM products for enterprise-wide computing and networked environments. Adaptec I/O solutions are incorporated into the products of virtually all the major computer and peripheral manufacturers around the world. Founded in 1981, Adaptec is a recognized leader in high performance I/O technology. Adaptec currently employs approximately 1,900 people, and with its global distribution network, serves customers worldwide. Adaptec’s World Wide Web home page address is http://www.adaptec.com. Adaptec and IOware are trademarks of Adaptec, Inc., which may be registered in some jurisdictions. Tachyon is a trademark of Hewlett-Packard, Inc.