Cogent FTP File List August 6, 1996 File Name Description 100fx.pdf EM100 FX Datasheet (Adobe Acrobat format) 100tx.pdf EM100 TX Datasheet (Adobe Acrobat format) 100tx.txt EM100 TX Datasheet (ASCII format) 110t4.pdf EM110 T4 Datasheet (Adobe Acrobat format) 110tx.pdf EM110 TX Datasheet (Adobe Acrobat format) 110uc.txt Ultimate Combo Datasheet (ASCII format) 1atnds.exe EM1AT NDIS driver 1atodi.exe EM1AT DOS ODI driver 1tpnds.exe EM1TP Distribution Diskette 1tpodi.exe EM1TP DOS ODI driver 2atodi.exe EM2AT DOS ODI driver 350pci.exe Windows NT 3.50 PCI driver 3mcnds.exe EM3MCA NDIS driver 3mcodi.exe EM3MCA DOS ODI driver 400tx.pdf EM400 TX Quartet Datasheet (Adobe Acrobat format) 440t4.pdf EM440 T4 Quartet Datasheet (Adobe Acrobat format) 440tx.pdf EM440 TX Quartet Datasheet (Adobe Acrobat format) 440tx.txt EM440 TX Quartet Datasheet (ASCII format) 960.pdf EM960 PCI Datasheet (Adobe Acrobat format) 964.pdf EM964 PCI Quartet (Adobe Acrobat format) EM100FX.txt EM100 FX Datasheet (ASCII format) EM110T4.txt EM110 T4 Datasheet (ASCII format) EM110TX.txt EM110 TX Datasheet (ASCII format) S1200T4.txt S-1200 TX Specification Sheet (ASCII) S1200TX.txt S-1200 TX Specification Sheet (ASCII) brstng.asc EISA Bursting Technology Explanation (ASCII) catde.txt Cogent Netzwerk-Produkte Katalog for Summer 1996 cgtdrv.xls Cogent Driver Matrix (EXCEL format) cntact.txt Contacting Cogent (phone, fax, e-mail) ASCII disti.txt List of Cogent Distribution Partners drivers.pdf Driver Support Matrix (Adobe Acrobat format) em110uc.pdf Ultimate Combo Datasheet (Adobe Acrobat format) em1at.exe EM1AT Distribution diskette em1tp.exe EM1TP Distribution diskette em3mca.exe EM3MCA Distribution Diskette em400tx.txt EM400 TX Datasheet (ASCII format) em440t4.txt EM440 T4 Datasheet (ASCII format) em440tx.txt EM440 TX Datasheet (ASCII format) em525.exe EM525 AT ISA Distribution Diskette em525.txt EM110 T4 Datasheet (ASCII format) em595.exe EM595 PCMCIA Distribution Diskette em727.exe EM727 (a.k.a. EMIIAT) ATS ISA Distribution Diskette em932.exe EM932 EISA Distribution Diskette em935.exe EM935 EISA Distribution Diskette em945.exe EM945 EISA Distribution Diskette em960.txt EM960 TX Datasheet (ASCII format) em964.txt EM964 TX Datasheet (ASCII format) empci.exe PCI Universal Driver Set, now includes universal diagnostics empci.lan NetWare server driver for PCI adapters, version 2.90 (same as in empci.exe) emrevw.pdf Evaluator's Guide for Network Adapters (Adobe Acrobat format) emxsa.exe ISA and EISA Fast Ethernet diskette (contains shipping NetWare server driver) fdebro.asc Full Duplex Ethernet Technology Brochure (ASCII) files.txt List and short description of FTP files groupweb.exe Fast Ethernet Product Photo hubweb.exe Hub product Photo Windows NT 3.51 PCI Driver for MIPS pci271.exe PCI NetWare Server Driver version 2.71 BETA Client 32 for Windows 95 for PCI adapters pcidiag.exe PCI Adapter Diagnostics pcifaqs.txt eMASTER+ PCI Frequently Asked Questions (ASCII) pcinws.exe NetWare server drivers for PCI adapters (same as in empci.exe) qrtfaqs.txt eMASTER+ Quartet Frequently Asked Questions (ASCII) qtaddtsh.pdf Quartet Your Net Ad (Adobe Acrobat Format Deutsch) roadw.txt Cogent's Product Roadmap Technical White Paper (ASCII) s1200t4.pdf S-1200 T4 Specification Sheet (Adobe Acrobat) s1200tx.pdf S-1200 TX Specification Sheet (Adobe Acrobat) s800fx.pdf S-800 FX Specification Sheet (Adobe Acrobat) s800fx.txt S-800 FX Specification Sheet (ASCII) SCO Unix Drivers for EM932/935 and EM525 SCO Unix Drivers for EM3EISA sco50p.exe BETA release of an SCO UNIX 5.0 driver for Cogent's PCI single adapters SCO Unix driver for EM960 and EM100 snifr.exe Driver Distribution Diskette for Network General Sniffer UnixWare Drivers for EM932, EM935 UnixWare 1.1 Driver for EM727, EM932, EM935 and EM845 win525.exe EM525 BETA Windows 95 and Windows NT Drivers wineia.exe EM932, EM935 and EM945 BETA Windows 95 and Windows NT Drivers BETA Client 32 for Windows 95 for ISA and EISA Fast Ethernet adapters xsadiag.exe ISA and EISA Fast Ethernet diagnostics xsafaqs.txt eMASTER+ ISA and EISA Fast Ethernet Frequently Asked Questions (ASCII)