Q. When using the Adaptec EZ-SCSI for Windows95 Setup diskette #1 to install my 1460/1460a, the screen says it does not have the necessary drivers on that diskette. What should I do? A. Insert the diskette marked APA-1460/1460a SlimSCSI Drivers for Windows NT 3.51 and OS/2 2.0/Warp in the floppy drive. Select the drive letter of your floppy drive and type in the path \Win95. Click OK, and then follow the instructions that appear on the screen. (This ensures that the most up-to-date versions of the drivers are installed.) Q. After installing my APA-1460A under Windows 95, I am unable to access my devices connected to the card. Why? A. You may have a conflict with the APA-1460A. To confirm that your PCMCIA Card and Socket Services is installed and running properly, follow these steps: * Insert the Slim SCSI adapter in the PC Card slot, if it is not already inserted. * Select Start, Settings and Control Panel. * Double-click the System icon, and then select the Device Manager tab. * If PCMCIA Socket is not listed, or if it is listed but has a yellow exclamation mark or a red X next to it, PCMCIA Card and Socket Services has not been loaded properly or is not configured properly. See your Windows 95 documentation for more information. To confirm that the Windows 95 miniport driver is working properly, do the following steps: * Insert the SlimSCSI adapter in a PC Card slot, if it is not already inserted. * Double-click the System icon, and then select the Device Manager tab. * Double-click SCSI Controllers. If the APA-1425/50/60 PCMCIA adapter is not listed, double-click Other Devices. If APA-1425/50/60 PCMCIA adapter appears under Other Devices, delete it, exit from Windows 95, and reboot the PC without the card inserted. * After the laptop is booted up, insert the SlimSCSI adapter into the slot. If no prompt appears, insert the Adaptec EZ-SCSI diskette #1 in the floppy disk drive. Click the Start button and select Run. Type a:\setup and click OK. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen. * If a New Hardware Found dialog box appears, select Driver from disk provided by hardware manufacturer and click OK. Then insert the diskette marked APA-1460/1460a SlimSCSI Drivers for Windows NT 3.51 and OS/2 2.0/Warp in the floppy drive. Select the drive letter of your floppy drive and type in the path \Win95. Click OK, and then follow the instructions that appear on the screen. (This insures that the most up-to-date versions of drivers are installed.) Q. After installing the CardWizard software that came with my SlimSCSI card I have extra drive letters in file manager. How do I correct this? A. Upon using the typical installation of the CardWizard software, CardWizard will sometimes install unnecessary drivers into your config.sys. This can be corrected two ways. The first way is to reinstall CardWizard using the custom option. When choosing the custom option, uncheck all of the boxes on the screen and finish the install, the reboot the system. The second method is to edit your config.sys and remove the following lines: device=C:\CARDWIZ\ATADRV.EXE and device=C:\CARDWIZ\MTDDRV.EXE. The following is one example of what your new config.sys CardWizard section may look like: rem SystemSoft CardSoft(TM) 3.1 PCMCIA drivers: DEVICE =C:\CARDWIZ\SS(chip).EXE DEVICE =C:\CARDWIZ\CS.EXE /poll:1 DEVICE =C:\CARDWIZ\CSALLOC.EXE DEVICE =C:\CARDWIZ\CARDID.EXE DEVICE=C:\SCSI\ASPI2DOS.SYS /D /PCMCIA /Z Q. In my DOS/Windows 3.1 environment, after installing my Iomega Guest software that came with my Jazz drive, I'm unable to access the drive anymore. Why? A. EZ-SCSI installs a file called ASPIDISK.EXE for removable drives, and the Guest software installs GUEST.EXE for removable drives. Both files do almost the same functions and do conflict with each other in a DOS/Windows 3.1 environment. Edit your config.sys and remove the ASPIDISK.EXE line. Save and reboot. Q. After installing my CardWizard for Windows 3.1, I am having a resource allocation problem. How do I correct this? A. Make sure that the Adaptec EZ-SCSI drivers are listed after the CardWizard Pro drivers in the config.sys file. Here is an example (the names of the CardWizard files may vary): rem SystemSoft CardSoft(TM) 3.1 PCMCIA drivers: DEVICE =c:\cardwiz\ss(chip).exe DEVICE =c:\cardwiz\cs.exe /poll:1 DEVICE =c:\cardwiz\csalloc.exe DEVICE =c:\cardwiz\cardid.exe DEVICE =c:\scsi\aspi2dos.sys /d /pcmcia /z Q. The PCMCIA Socket Service drivers in the config.sys recognize the card, but the Adaptec drivers say that no card is present. A. Make sure that the PCMCIA Socket service drivers are loading before the Adaptec drivers. The system must recognize the card and socket before the Adaptec drivers will load. Q. What are the specifications on the APA-460 and APA-1460 SlimSCSI? A. They are type II compatible. The APA-460 has a transfer rate of up to 2MB/sec on the SCSI bus and supports up to ( 7 ) seven SCSI devices. The APA-1460 has a transfer rate of up to 10MB/sec on the SCSI bus and supports up to ( 7 ) SCSI devices. Q. What is the purpose of Cardsoft Socket services? Why do I need it? A. It is the software that wakes up the PCMCIA chip in the computer. Use the card and socket services that comes with your PC if it exists. Q. Why does my Notebook computer hang and report "no" when the MA460.SYS loads? A. This is a known problem with the MA460.SYS v1.12 and v1.15 when used with some chip sets, MA460 scans addresses 360h through 230h. When we scan address 250, the power management on the notebook shuts down the hard drive. MA460.SYS version 1.16 fixes this and the file on our bulletin board contains the updated driver; TASP3.EXE. Q. The PCMCIA Socket Service drives in the config.sys recognize the card, but the Adaptec drivers say that no card is present. A. Make sure that the PCMICA Socket service drivers are loading BEFORE the Adaptec drivers. The system must recognized the card and sockets before the Adaptec drives will load. Windows NT Q. After installing my 1450/1460/1460a card, the devices connected to it are not showing up in File Manager or Disk Administrator. Why? A. You may have a conflict with resources. To confirm that the card is setup correctly do the following steps. * Open Control Panel, then open Devices. * Look at the scsidisk and scsicdrm devices. * If scsidisk and/or scsicdrom have not been started, select them and set the devices to System by clicking on the Startup button. Reboot. Follow these additional steps to confirm that the 1450/1460/1460a drivers have loaded properly: * Open Control Panel, then open Devices. * Look at the sparrow device. * If the sparrow device has not been started, there is a device or resource problem. You can also check for error in loading drivers by opening Administrative Tools and then opening Event Viewer. Q. Why can't I use my Jazz disk that I formatted in Win95 for my NT machine? A. At this time the only operating system that can format media and be recognized by all other operating environments is DOS 6.22. Each of the other operating systems formats slightly different than DOS 6.22. Because of this, each operating system will only recognized the media if it was formatted in DOS 6.22 or itself. This goes for all portable media. UNIX Q. Why is the APA-460 or APA 1460 SlimSCSI not supporting the UNIX operating system? A. UNIX has no card and socket services, so PCMCIA cards are not supported. NOVELL Q. Can I install my Novell software from CD-ROM using the APA-348, APA-358 or APA-460 SlimSCSI? A. Yes. Just install the APA-xxx on your computer under DOS and reboot your system to load the CD ROM drivers. Then you can use the Install program off the CD-ROM to install Novell software on your host computer.