Adaptec Unix group 02/02/96 BBS / UNIX Driver Disk Conversion 1. Copy the files: floppy0.Z, floppy1.Z, floppy2.Z, floppy3, and floppy5.Z on to the Sun workstation into a temporary subdirectory such as /tmp. 2. Change directory to the temporary subdirectory. I.E: cd /tmp 3. Uncompress each file except for floppy3 with the UNIX uncompress command. I.E.: uncompress floppy0.Z 4. You must remove the old Adaptec ATM software before installing the updated software. You can do this with the pkgrm command. 5. After removing the old software you can start the installation of the updated software with the pkgadd command. I.E.: pkgadd -d /tmp/floppy0 6. Proceed with the installation by following the instructions in chapter 4 of the Adaptec ANA-5210/5230/5240 User's Reference manual.