/pascal/devsupport/general File Ext Size Date Time Description ------ --- ------ -------- ------ ------------------------------------------------------------- 10tlst zip 246144 01/18/94 11:44a Network information for Pascal programmers 2data zip 1460 04/19/91 10:33a TVision: Reading multiple input lines. 2menus zip 870 04/19/91 10:32a Turbo Vision: 2 MenuBars at the top of your screen. 3dlife zip 5038 10/18/90 05:11p 3D version of John Conway's Game of Life. animate zip 1924 11/13/91 06:25a Shows simple animation asmobj pas 2184 06/03/93 10:02a Addressing the fields of an object when you are using BASM async1 zip 43904 10/18/90 05:20p A serial communication utility. bank zip 2571 10/18/90 05:02p OOP Bank Simulation bgi256 zip 260864 05/11/93 12:39p Third part BGI driver for 256 colors and high resolution. bi3 zip 20598 08/28/95 10:01a OWL 2 serial communications program bi4 zip 2538 03/23/93 01:18p Detecting available drives on a system bi5 zip 7072 10/16/95 009:27 TDWIN.ZIP bi6 zip 6767 10/16/95 009:27 To use TDW 3.0 with Windows 3.1 bigarray zip 1927 06/24/93 09:59a An object that simulates a huge array and a test program. bigstuff pas 1976 11/04/93 04:14p Arrays larger than 64k, improved version blaise zip 14530 07/22/92 03:25p Screen Saver Library for TPW 1.5 bmp256 zip 4514 10/11/91 12:24p TPW display 256 color bitmaps bmpdesk2 zip 1576 11/22/93 09:26a Load a bmp from a resource, blit desktop into it, show it bmppaint zip 2166 04/14/93 01:00p Simple example of painting a bitmap using OWL bptools zip 65644 12/10/92 08:43a Missing BP7.0 Tools breaknow zip 1865 04/15/91 10:10a Intercept interrupt $9/check for a Ctrl-Break key press. broadcas zip 1449 04/19/91 10:33a Turbo Vision: Message between dialogs/update background. btree1 zip 4500 10/18/90 05:21p A heap based binary tree unit for Turbo Pascal 5.0 bufstuff zip 994 04/15/91 10:10a Routines to stuff the keyboard buffer. burnin zip 1380 03/12/92 11:00a Example of self modifying code. calunit zip 5357 01/11/91 09:03a Extended calendar TVision application. center zip 1566 12/07/89 11:14a How to center your dialog in a window chain zip 17919 10/18/90 05:26p Adds a chaining facility to TP4 and TP5. childctl zip 1658 01/05/94 10:51a MDI Example: Placing controls on multiple child windows. chngicon zip 38216 11/30/93 09:43a Changing the title of an Icon in an MDI app (SetWindowText) cmos pas 2191 05/10/93 02:06p Read and write CMOS cmous2 zip 14632 10/18/90 09:23p combodlg zip 1448 09/27/93 04:43p DropDown combo in dialog, use InitResource, select List item comm zip 772 03/12/92 10:47a Asynchronous, Serial Port, Modem, Buffered Input. compat zip 624 03/12/92 10:48a Generic MS-DOS, Version 4 Toolboxes With Version 5. cpasdemo zip 2627 09/21/93 12:42p Sample demonstrating a very limited way to link C and Pascal cpuid zip 5982 05/06/93 09:08a Get the CPU ID of the machine data zip 3124 03/12/92 10:48a Largest Global Data Struct, Static Vars database zip 1288 03/12/92 10:48a Running TABUILD and TACCESS.DEF File. dates zip 3328 11/01/91 12:09p Converts from mm/dd/yy to Julian day number. dbaseb zip 2342 10/18/90 09:28p dbinfo zip 5019 04/16/91 08:17a Tips for using the Database Toolbox 4.0. dblclick zip 826 11/13/91 06:26a How to act on a double mouse click debugger zip 1521 03/12/92 10:48a Built-in Debugger, Invalid linker version error. deskblit zip 923 11/19/93 01:26p Copy the desktop window into your programs window. (Mirrors) diffver zip 2661 03/12/92 10:48a Stack Overflow Compiling v.2 Code Under v.4. directw zip 770 12/07/92 04:21p Write a string directly to video memory. diskinf3 zip 5056 12/22/93 05:41p Absolute disk reads and writes on harddrives larger than 32M diskinfo zip 8587 04/16/93 10:33a Read the bootsector of a floppy disk dlgkbhnd zip 32865 06/08/93 01:53p Handling tabs in a dialog window dlgwin zip 1948 06/10/92 02:54p TPW:Example for using BWCC dialog class dlgwind2 zip 1266 06/11/93 11:43a Placing a child style dlgwindow inside a main window dllexp zip 583 04/15/93 10:10a How to dynamically load a DLL to call a proc docdem zip 5504 06/07/91 04:56p Sample programs missing from the TPW Programmer's Guide. dos zip 0 12/04/92 04:05p How to Returning Error Levels to Batch Files doscrt zip 3004 10/20/93 01:53p Replacement for the CRT unit dotime pas 1270 04/29/93 09:23a An ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) for the Timer Interrupt doubconv zip 2565 01/23/89 09:50a Converting double types drawbits zip 1302 03/12/92 11:00a Example DLL for Displaying BMPs drives fax 1024 11/01/91 01:08p Find the drives on the system while in protected mode editdown zip 957 08/16/93 03:29p Handle DOWNARROW in Edit control as you would a TAB editor zip 336 03/12/92 10:48a Why Bined Compiled with {$F+} Locks Computer. egasav zip 3620 10/18/90 05:29p Save/restore EGA (640x350) 16 color graphics screens. enhkbd zip 8086 02/07/94 02:08p activate the IBM enhanced keyboard. error zip 1441 03/12/92 10:48a Internal Error Report To Borland, Type Mismatch Error execsw zip 16376 10/18/90 05:34p An advanced technique to exec other programs. extend zip 5703 11/02/90 09:58a Code for opening 15+ files in TP 40. extend3 zip 12225 01/11/89 10:15a Files: Open 15+ files using TP 3.x. extend6 zip 2564 01/25/91 01:34p Code for opening 15+ files in TP 6.0. extend7 zip 2407 12/02/93 08:13a Extends the number of available file handles in BP/TP 7.0 fastwr zip 9494 10/18/90 09:32p Write strings directly to video memory. flushkey pas 621 04/16/93 10:20a Code to flush the keyboard buffer fontinfo zip 1496 04/17/92 09:56a TPW: Information for creating and using fonts in Windows. formline zip 6181 07/29/91 04:45p TVision: TInputLine type objects for formatting. frame3 zip 4096 09/22/93 01:01p Example of customizing a common dialog functest pas 647 12/08/92 09:02a Pass a function as a parameter to another procedure. fviewer zip 1902 10/11/91 12:22p Fix to TVDEMO.ZIP heap leak. general zip 3345 03/12/92 10:48a 64K limits, EXE file sizes, Conditional Compilation, etc. getput zip 1380 03/12/92 11:00a Save/restore a rectangular screen region in text mode. getserno zip 769 02/11/93 12:11p Get the serial number from a disk. graphin zip 4733 01/27/93 01:21p Get user input while in graphics mode heapary pas 1211 02/23/93 03:53p Example of moving arrays up on the heap heapspy zip 65112 12/09/92 09:41a Windows Heap memory map utility hint zip 1788 03/12/92 11:00a TVision app for hints on status bar. hook com 9217 10/28/93 12:13p A Windows message hook demonstration program hpplot zip 2573 10/18/90 09:32p ibmcom zip 7167 10/18/90 05:36p A communications driver for the IBM-PC. inputpal zip 1562 11/05/93 02:07p Place an inputline in a window and clean up palette int24 zip 7138 10/18/90 09:34p Complements to Turbo 4 critical error handler. io zip 3387 03/12/92 10:48a IO Tools and procedures. joystk zip 9256 10/18/90 05:41p David Howorth's joystick support routines. keyint zip 30571 10/18/90 09:41p "Replacing the Keyboard Interrupt" -- Neil Rubenking keystuff pas 590 05/10/93 06:07p Stuff the keyboard buffer labelpas zip 2107 04/15/93 10:35a Read and set the labels on a disk, updated version lbsettab zip 2894 11/11/93 10:34a Info on LB_SETTABSTOPS linker zip 566 03/12/92 10:49a Unused Data Eliminated, Smart Linker. linklist pas 1628 02/24/93 02:02p Simple linked list example linklst2 zip 7383 12/21/93 10:10a Another linklist example, storing the list on disk, delete links zip 3657 10/18/90 05:06p Oop Linked List Unit with Turbo 5.5 list1 zip 553 11/30/93 11:22a A simple example of a linked list. listbox5 zip 66355 07/07/93 02:07p Listbox examples, including ExecuteDialog and Transfer data listbx zip 1708 04/19/91 10:31a Turbo Vision: ListBox of directory with double click. listsel zip 1390 06/14/93 11:42a Doubleclick on item in listbox and display selected item loadbmps zip 1436 03/12/92 11:01a Used by DRAWBITS.ZIP for displaying BMPs mac zip 0 12/04/92 04:03p Portability between IBM and Mac TP versions. math zip 2247 03/12/92 10:49a Match Tools and Procedures. mdi zip 1545 07/08/92 04:53p TPW: Tabbing between controls in MDI child window mdi_kb pas 2367 03/18/93 08:35a Handle Virtual Keys in an MDI app, TABS, F1 etc... mdiactiv pas 641 04/16/93 04:53p Find the active window in an MDI app, iterate child windows mdisplsh zip 5258 11/13/91 06:27a Background bitmap for MDI client area memory zip 137 09/21/93 10:38a Memory Tools and procedures. memswap pas 1022 11/16/93 11:52a Creating virtual memory swap files in prot mode with BOAHBFP menu zip 1000 04/19/91 10:34a Turbo Vision: Menubar change at runtime. menuadd pas 4269 05/24/93 12:12p Append menus, delete menus, deactivate menus, etc, in Window menubox pas 2163 08/31/92 10:38a Create a floating menubox in turbo vision, a floating menu menudemo zip 1491 11/13/91 06:28a Loading and changing menus menustat zip 1194 05/10/91 01:07p Turbo Vision: Menubar and Statusline change at runtime. message zip 1852 06/28/93 02:17p Example of how to send messages between views in a Dialog TV minhook zip 1219 09/28/93 10:54a Set a Windows Hook minmax zip 699 11/13/91 06:28a Changing Min and Max window sizes miscti zip 174936 04/04/91 09:29a Miscellaneous TI's from TP 2.0 to TP 6.0 mixlang zip 1259 03/12/92 10:49a Linking OBJ Files From Turbo C or TASM and others. mmsystem zip 16233 08/13/92 02:19p MMSYSTEM.PAS Update modem zip 8131 11/04/91 04:31p TPW: Serial Communications using API and Object Windows modemfax zip 3636 10/10/91 10:11a TPW example of serial communications modemo zip 4887 11/13/91 06:28a Simple modem communications program modemx zip 10391 10/04/93 11:56a Simple modem example featuring XMODEM mouse zip 21578 11/01/91 10:46a A general purpose mouse unit for text/graphics mode. mousprot zip 133120 04/08/93 09:20a Graphics/Text mouse works in protected mode by Michael Day multi zip 2878 03/24/93 04:49p Powerful multitasking facilities for TP5 programs. myedit zip 921 11/13/91 06:30a Edit Control keystroke trapping ned103 zip 102020 04/30/93 10:58a Third party, non Borland TV Editors unit, with wordwrap. newfont zip 52544 05/17/91 12:05p New version of the BGI font editor. newrtm zip 58419 12/10/93 10:36a RTM.EXE DPMI16BI.OVL from the BC++ 4.0 release. Lastest Rev. numwrit2 pas 1194 11/12/93 11:27a Writing arrays of numbers to and from a text file obja zip 3524 10/18/90 05:07p An OOP unit that extends TP's standard objects unit. odbc zip 11776 01/24/94 10:38a Access files to reach ODBC from Pascal Windows oop zip 2864 03/12/92 10:49a Object Oriented Programming Information. ooppas zip 546270 09/13/90 02:29p Demo programs from the OOP world tour. openfi zip 10104 09/22/93 01:00p example of customizing a common dialog overlays zip 1414 03/12/92 10:49a Overlay Tools and procedures. owltab zip 758 12/17/93 04:47p Allow TAB to move focus for an OWL multiline edit control ownrdraw zip 1268 11/13/91 06:30a Creating custom bitmap buttons palette lzh 2373 03/12/92 11:06a Turbo Vision: Palette change background. palette zip 2373 03/12/92 11:06a Turbo Vision: Palette color discussion. pas_all zip 258810 02/17/94 02:21p All Pascal Technical Information files pchart zip 34214 05/07/91 02:10p TPW: A simple charting program pcxshw zip 21403 10/18/90 09:47p Draws various graphical formats on screen. phello zip 129841 04/25/91 01:47p TPW: Hello world demo programs pick zip 5260 10/18/90 06:07p Pop-up shadow menu file selection routines. picklst zip 1571 04/19/91 10:32a Turbo Vision: Simple pick list example. player zip 64038 01/13/94 01:14p Player program by Charlie Calvert, Pascal Multimedia example plife zip 21855 05/02/91 02:58p TPW: Life game written with Turbo Pascal for Windows. print_it zip 5808 11/13/91 06:32a Printing from windows printbmp zip 104727 11/13/91 06:31a Printing bitmaps printer2 zip 2273 04/15/91 10:11a unit for sending Ctrl-Z and to write to two printers. printer3 pas 5228 02/23/88 03:50p Change device to which you are printing output on the fly prntpw zip 1442 05/10/91 01:08p TPW: Printing in Turbo Pascal for Windows. proccall zip 513 11/12/93 08:41a Passing functions as parameters profiler zip 412 03/12/92 10:49a TURBO PROFILER ISSUES protint pas 1637 01/29/93 11:39a Protected Mode Interrupt Handler pxe3m zip 350134 04/13/93 03:15p PX Engine Maintenance release qwik55 zip 73175 10/18/90 06:27p TP 5.5 quick screen writing on ALL IBMs in ANY mode. rand2 zip 548 03/12/92 11:03a TPW: Pass parameters from Object Vision to TPW DLLs. readext pas 1269 03/06/92 09:38a Reading F11 and F12 keys in DOS. readonly txt 797 01/04/94 03:29p Notes on the readonly style that may or may not apply.... readwrte pas 2721 03/08/93 01:52p Make an interrupt call in protected mode reboot zip 225 03/12/92 11:03a Example to reboot the computer. rgb pas 3630 10/13/92 09:55a SetRGBPalette example, improves on Borland DOCs rubber zip 1191 11/13/91 06:33a Rubber band drawing script zip 822 03/12/92 11:03a TPW: Manual installation instructions. scroll1 pas 5073 11/17/93 04:34p Insert TSCROLLER in a non-resizable window on entire Desktop scroll3 zip 1654 12/30/93 02:07p Using a TScroller in Turbo Vision sdi zip 24900 10/18/90 06:33p A Pascal unit saves and restores any BGI image to disk. sfirst zip 1691 04/19/91 10:33a TVision: Simple load and store desktop. sortin zip 8372 10/18/90 06:36p A comparison of various sorting methods. splash zip 6756 11/13/91 06:34a Display a bitmap before your app loads spool zip 4697 10/18/90 09:48p status zip 1973 11/13/91 06:34a Creating a status line in an MDI app status3 zip 1922 11/22/93 08:50a Simple status line, variation on STATUS.PAS from TPWBONUS stick zip 765 03/12/92 11:03a Example to read the joystick position. stream15 zip 3308 04/02/93 04:34p Sample streams with strings example string zip 478 03/12/92 10:49a READ vs. READLN on String Variables. strobj zip 5120 10/18/90 05:10p A unit for manipulating strings. syntax zip 704 03/12/92 10:49a CASE and Scalar Identifiers, PACKED, Nested FOR Loops syscolor zip 17840 05/22/91 09:36a TPW: Change the palette colors. Source included. tabtext zip 681 05/11/93 10:21a How to use TabbedTextOut function. talk zip 26496 10/18/90 06:42p Produce speech through the PC's built in speaker. tbdata txt 2184 05/11/93 03:48p Description of ToolbarData from the ToolBar example program td1pat zip 1668 03/26/89 12:45p Patch for TPC and TURBO: Fix for include file problem. tdta zip 12047 03/12/92 10:49a Turbo Debugger, Turbo Assembler issues. tess-5 zip 32212 10/18/90 07:49p Routines for Developing Ram Resident Programs. tess-d zip 50279 10/18/90 08:03p Developing Ram-Resident Programs textio zip 4999 10/18/90 08:05p TextIO unit adds new functionality to Text files. textstr zip 2881 06/29/93 01:33p Safe user input while in text mode. Accepts strings-numbers ticker pas 571 12/16/92 09:19a Read a real mode (ROM BIOS) address from protected mode. ticker2 zip 3198 09/01/93 04:36p Read all about the BIOS area in protected and real mode timage zip 55680 12/03/93 04:31p PCX and other graphic info timecall zip 922 12/07/92 04:25p How to write a Windows call back function for Timers. topmost pas 2318 05/06/93 09:55a How to make a window always appear on top of all others topten zip 2681 03/12/92 10:49a Ten most frequently asked questions. tp-asm zip 68736 10/19/90 11:40a Internal assembler for Turbo/TPC 4.0 thru 5.5. tp-tsr zip 27690 10/18/90 08:12p Sample/Model TP 4/5 Stay-Resident program. tpenv zip 9438 03/27/89 03:16p Code for changing environment variables. tppcv zip 133632 12/03/93 04:35p PCX viewer tppcw zip 66773 12/03/93 04:27p PCX viewer for windows tprat zip 12579 01/20/89 10:10a Mouse support and menu for TP 4.0. tprat5 zip 13772 01/20/89 10:11a Mouse support and menu for TP 5.0. tptimer pas 5868 08/15/88 07:24p Time (profile) the length of your routines. Microsecond res. tptool zip 15862 01/24/91 11:47a TP 6.0 public domain utility programs. tpuobj zip 12384 01/04/80 12:13a Utility to convert 4.0 TPU's to OBJ's. tpw zip 4494 03/12/92 10:50a TPW: Common questions and issues. tpwcombo zip 2028 08/12/91 04:05p TPW: Transfer example for Combo Box tpwn31 zip 99248 04/06/92 12:00p Windows 3.1 support for Turbo Pascal for tpwpxeng zip 36747 07/22/91 04:16p TPW PXENG: Adendum to the Paradox Engine for Windows v2.0. transfer zip 0 09/28/93 11:09a Getting data from various dialog controls tsrsrc zip 61824 10/18/90 08:43p A set of programs to manage DOS memory allocation. tvbgi zip 4322 05/03/93 04:59p How to switch between Turbo Vision and Graph mode and back tvgr70 zip 165376 10/14/93 08:36a Turbo Vision for Pascal - Graphic Code tvscroll zip 1618 11/04/93 09:10a A Program demonstrating a scrolling dialog box twodlgs pas 3527 10/04/93 12:08p Two Dialogs on the screen in Turbo Vision APP twoprogs zip 1373 12/07/92 04:21p Share an area of memory between two or more programs. ui zip 2095 03/12/92 10:50a PICK FILES, System Lock Running in IDE Vs. uicurpat zip 913 03/12/92 11:03a Patch for changing UI cursor in TP 5, 5.5 units zip 2304 03/12/92 10:50a Unit Information. valid zip 1623 11/13/91 06:35a Data validation from edit controls vector zip 10336 10/18/90 10:21p version pas 954 01/14/94 11:53a From DOS find if windows is running and what version. vgapal zip 36680 12/03/93 04:30p pcx and palette info viewtext pas 3996 05/27/93 04:56p Insert a view into a Window and paint some text on it. vol zip 5632 11/15/89 11:33a Creating a volume lable using DOS. win87em zip 18368 03/30/93 08:33a A Protected Mode floating point emulator for DOS DPMI progs wincrt2 zip 12838 10/01/92 10:56a Simple example of printing from a Windows WinCRT program windemo zip 4709 09/29/93 02:04p Example of linking ASM files and Pascal files, DOS Windows winfont zip 1365 06/22/92 09:35a Unit for selecting fonts within TPW programs. wingif zip 67910 11/11/93 03:22p Display and convert BMP and PCX files, etc. winwait pas 541 04/16/93 09:30a Execute a program in Windows and wait until its run is over wndw55 zip 94691 10/18/90 09:07p Turbo Pascal 5.5 unit of multi-level virtual windows. writenlf zip 1665 04/15/91 10:10a A screen write without scrolling writestr zip 1258 12/22/93 09:16a How to use WriteStr in TV application wsound zip 757 02/04/92 04:07p TPW: Generate sound in Windows using the API. wvsprnt1 pas 552 06/09/93 11:17a Using WVSPRINTF to work with strings and multiple strings xdump zip 29528 07/29/91 03:54p Impliment your own graphics screen dump routine. xgraf zip 24694 10/18/90 09:14p Turbo Pascal BGI units to draw graphs and plot curves.