-------------------------------------------- BC50P2.RTP Borland C++ 5.0 UPDATE PATCH 2 -------------------------------------------- --------------- *** Notice *** --------------- This patch is intended for use only with Borland language products. The resulting file(s) are subject to the terms of the No-nonsense License Agreement which shipped with the Borland language product you purchased. BC50P2.RTP works only with the US version of BC5.0A. If the version shown in Help|About in BCW.EXE is not 5.0A, you must apply BC50P1.RTP before applying this patch. Please use the German patch for the German BC5.0, available soon after this patch. Note: Because CD-ROMs are not writable, this patch requires that Borland C++ be installed on to your hard drive before being applied. For the latest technical information, patches, and updates, be sure to check the following locations: World Wide Web: http://www.borland.com CompuServe: GO BCPP, section 3, "From Borland" FTP: ftp.borland.com BBS: (408)431-5096. 8-N-1 (8 bits, No parity, 1 stop bit) Listserv: listserv@borland.com Send an email message containing this text: SUBSCRIBEBCPPFIRSTNAMELASTNAME --------------- Purpose --------------- Below is a list of problems which have been fixed in this patch; please refer to the file BC5\DOC\ADDON.TXT, which will be patched by BC50P2.RTP, for a list of fixes pertaining to the addon interface. General command line and RTL ---------------------------- The macro defined for EV_LVN_DELETEITEM is incorrect in commctrl.h. A reference to $(...) for environment variables in a makefile may be expanded to a null string because variable matching is case sensitive. General IDE ----------- The IDE may crash if it is shut down while the PVCS dialog is running. Write block to file overwrites existing file without warning. With a message window active, clicking on an editor window may not bring it to the top. Generate Makefile fails to strip $ENV for linker targets. A 32 bit application with vbx controls cannot be run in the ide, causes "Can't init VBX library" message, or "VBX library init failure" message. After you run a 16-bit app from the IDE subsequent makes may cause unwanted runs. Overwriting or deleting a block of text may not position the cursor in the expected location. Integrated Debugger ------------------- Changing the current source file while stopped at a breakpoint, then choosing run, may result in a crash. When running an app with Asynchronous mode turned off, the application may not step to the entry point, but instead begin in startup code. On subsequent runs of a 16-bit process within the IDE, "Run without debugger?" prompts may occur multiple times. AppExpert/ClassExpert --------------------- Moving the Rescanning dialog leads to a locked system when in Asynchronous mode. Instance variables for the new Common Controls cannot be added in ClassExpert (for instance, TreeView). OWL (ObjectWindows) and OCF --------------------------- BOCOLE/F requires modifications to properly handle current controls from the current control pack published by Microsoft (particularly controls following ActiveX specifications). ActiveX controls cannot be hosted in a Borland C++ Application using BOCOLE. Controls cannot be activated in an undocked toolbar unless the control had focus beforehand. Resource Workshop ----------------- Calling BRC to bind resources under NT 3.51 may result in the message "Bad command or filename". Selecting the arrow (select) control after selecting a control on the control palette does not cancel selection of that control. For appexpert generated menus under Windows 95, cutting the last popup of a menu or the last menuitem from a menu is not disabled, which can lead to a crash. Changing the file compression for a bitmap may lead to a GP fault. BRCC32.EXE fails to complete. _WIN32 is not defined within integrated RW. Required for using windows.h and commctrl.h within an .RC File (_WIN32 is now automatically defined in this patch when the resource compiler is compiling a 32-bit resource file.) Using Bring To Front on a control within a dialog may cause a dialog editor malfunction. The resource project window repaints excessively during keyboard entry. Setting the system's TEMP environment variable to a non-existent directory leads to a crash in the Dialog Editor. After adding a non-existing file to a project, Resources/identifiers cannot be placed in it until the RC file has been saved. A crash may result after deleting most of the menu items in an AppExpert MDI menu. Justification of static text objects created by AppExpert in a dialog fails. Visual Database Tools --------------------- Using TDBLookupCombo: The DropDown portion of the combobox does not stay down when clicked during runtime. Running the FISHFACT example built in 16-bits leaves the IDAPI DLLs in memory. A value cannot be deleted from a record using a DBEdit or DBComboBoxes. Values in DBListboxes retain a grayed selection box around them after they have been selected once. DBGrid performance is too slow. Using DBLookupCombo: Several "Record is already locked by this session" errors may occur, which can lead to a crash. Using DBLookupCombo: "General SQL error" message box after clicking the navigator's Edit button, making no change to the data, then clicking the enabled Post button. Using DBNavigator: When holding down the PREVIOUS button to scroll back to the first record in the dataset, and at the first record, the DELETE button and the EDIT buttons are disabled. Intermittent error: "Cannot init VBX library", when attempting to run a VBDialog.exe that has had VDBT controls added to it. Java AddOn ---------- Runtime messages (applet viewer, debugger, etc.) now appear under the runtime tab of the message window. The message window will now automatically appear if there is a java compile error. Long messages are no longer truncated at 230 characters. Tab characters in compiler error messages are now converted to spaces. Java-related environment variables, typically set up by another java development environment, are now ignored when running java tools from within the BCW IDE (they will continue to be present outside of BCW, however). --------------- Instructions --------------- Applying the patch file requires PATCH.EXE version 3.2 (or greater), which you will find in the following locations: CompuServe, Borland's Download BBS (DLBBS), and via Internet at ftp.borland.com. If you are running on Windows NT, and PATCH.EXE does not complete, you can use PATCH-NT.EXE, which also requires PATCHW32.DLL, which are available in the same locations. 1) Copy BC50P2.RTP and PATCH.EXE into your \BC5 directory, or to the root directory of the drive containing BC++ 5.0. 2) Change directories to the directory used in step 1. For a default installation, enter the following commands at the DOS prompt: C:\> CD \BC5 3) Enter the following command at the DOS prompt: PATCH BC50P2.RTP To create backup copies of the original files while patching use: PATCH -BACKUP BC50P2.RTP Backup copies of the original files will be placed into a directory called BACKUP. If you create a backup, make sure that you have at least 35 MB free or the patch may fail. IMPORTANT: If you install addons or other components, like the Java compiler or CodeGuard, you will need to reapply this patch to avoid errors. --------------- Troubleshooting --------------- If PATCH.EXE is unable to locate the correct files to patch, you will see the message: Warning wpt0015: Old File does not exist This may indicate one of the following cases: 1) You have previously deleted one or more files from your installation that PATCH.EXE has attempted to patch. In this case, PATCH.EXE will skip the files you have deleted. If you wish to replace a missing file, you must first reinstall from your master diskettes before applying the patch. 2) You have copied PATCH.EXE and the RTP patch file to the wrong directory or drive. In this case, verify the directory name in which you have installed and make sure PATCH.EXE and the RTP patch file on the same drive and in a directory above or equal to that installation. 3) When you installed you chose not to install one or more of the files that PATCH.EXE has attempted to patch. In this case, PATCH.EXE will skip the files you did not install. If you wish to add a missing file, you must first install from your master diskettes before applying the patch. 4) You don't currently have version 5.01A, and/or haven't applied BC50P1.RTP. See "Notice" section at the top of this file. This patch includes files for CodeGuard and Java support, which are only available in the Borland C++ Developer's Suite. Some messages you see may relate to these files, but the failure to install them will not prevent the successful patching of any files present on your system. PATCH.EXE will report the following message if it determines that a file does not need to be patched: New Version of File 'FILENAME' already exists. This may indicate one of the following cases: 1) You have purchased a recent copy of the software in which the software changes have already been introduced. 2) You have already applied the patch. In either case, PATCH.EXE has verified that your software is up to date and you need not take further action. error ept0001: Illegal Input Option '