-------------------------------------------- BC50P1.RTP Borland C++ 5.0 UPDATE PATCH 1 -------------------------------------------- --------------- *** Notice *** --------------- This patch is intended for use only with Borland language products. The resulting file(s) are subject to the terms of the No-nonsense License Agreement which shipped with the Borland language product you purchased. Note: Because CD-ROMs are not writable, this patch requires that Borland C++ be installed on to your hard drive before being applied. For the latest technical information, patches, and updates, be sure to check the following locations: World Wide Web: http://www.borland.com CompuServe: GO BCPP, section 3, "From Borland" FTP: ftp.borland.com BBS: (408)431-5096. 8-N-1 (8 bits, No parity, 1 stop bit) Listserv: listserv@borland.com Send an email message containing this text: SUBSCRIBEBCPPFIRSTNAMELASTNAME --------------- Purpose --------------- This patch file addresses the following problems: The ClassExpert item on the local menu of a new menu item is disabled unless one clicks one of the existing menu items and then switches back. The Snap to Grid menu item under the Dialog menu needs to indicate ability to toggle on/off and to show current state. Identifiers are not being created based on the settings in the Identifiers page in some cases. Test mode does not work under Win95 in certain cases. When docking the control palette onto the top SpeedBar, and then switching to the resource project window and back, the control palette disappears. When entering help text for a menu item, pressing enter may be required to see the help text. The RC window that opens after resource compile errors may not paint. The Undo limit in the Environment|Resources MPD page is ignored. When the rc file is open in a text editor read only, the rc project will open read only as well On older projects, Generate Makefile fails to strip $ENV on some entries. Changing the name of a menu item to one that is shorter than the name it replaces may introduce extraneous characters. View | Edit Resources on an EXE node in the IDE project menu does not bring up Resource Workshop. The Resource Workshop eyedropper color may be inconsistent. File save button and menu enabling may not be consistent for RC files. Resource Workshop uses an editor type rather than unique ID's to mark undo objects. Undo objects may apply to an editor that has been closed. OWL apps dynamically linked do not release the BC50RTL.DLL when shut down. Resource Workshop: Users cannot override the defaults given in the Command Notifications dialog. When changing the range of an inspector, it new setting may not take effect until the inspector refreshes. An application generated by AppExpert has a CodeGuard error. It isn't possible to add instance variables for the new Common Controls. Java Support: There is an error in a return value in BCWJAVA.SPP. GUIDGEN.EXE crashes on Windows NT. Some virtual keys cannot be recorded in the Menu Editor recorder. Any action set on a breakpoint appears in the breakpoint view as a log expression action. Extended character support is not provided for some resource projects. New menu items from Resource Workshop may not appear within ClassExpert. There are cases of Resource Workshop not recognizing AppExpert objects for resource projects newly opened from AppExpert. Events for Win95 common controls are not supported in Resource Workshop. IUnknownImp::Release() in include\ideaddon\comhelp.h is not calling delete when it's count reaches zero. The View menu for the IDE Project window's local menu may contain duplicate entries for Resource Workshop when an .RC node is selected. Obsolete tools (like WORKSHOP.EXE) may show on the Options|Tools listing for example projects. After rescanning an AppExpert project while the RC project is open, creating a new dialog via class expert will cause a page fault. Installing to a Novell network location may cause messages, "File Open, installing in delayed mode", which will cause some files not to be installed. When files are open in edit views, classexpert always navigates in the edit view, not in it's edit pane. The help button on the common file dialogs does nothing. After attempting to open a broken rc file, subsequent saves of a good rc project will page fault in rw32ui.dll Windows 95 only: When system is set to 16 colors, 16 color option for cursor editor is disabled in: 1) New Cursor Project Options 2) New Resource Options and 3) Cursor Image Attributes Windows 95 only: When system is set to 16-bit (high color), 256 is grayed out (disabled) on Cursor Image Attributes dialog. Works fine when system is set to 256 colors. If a file is not explicitly closed before returning from main, the exit code closes without flushing the buffer. Calling the ReplaceAll method in the example SRCHALL.SPP may cause a GPF. Events from VBX controls not showing up in the events pane Deleting a VDBT control, adding a new control of the same type and then renaming the CtlName of the new control to the same as the previously deleted control (preserving the links to the old control on the form) prevents the dialog from being reloaded. TDBLookupList shows drive letters in its listbox. When AutoDisplay is set to false in a TDBMemo control, deleting the displayed field name deletes the actual data. Creating a master-detail relationship between a local table and a table on an Oracle server causes a crash in BIVBX30.DLL. On NT pasting a large bitmap into a TDBImage control results in an access violation. Connecting to any database besides a local Paradox/dBase database via a TQuery in the dialog editor causes multiple login dialogs followed by false errors. Changing a TDBEdit controls caption in design mode causes a database transaction. TQuery: for some SQL statements with the RequestLive property set to true the TDBNavigator Next, Previous, First, and Last buttons become disabled. Items and Values dialogs help buttons are not working on NT. A read-only TQuery added to a dialog form causes other non-read-only datasert on a dialog to be uneditable. The LookupSource property value of TDBLookupListbox and TDBLookupComboBox are being ignored. VDBT Performance on Windows NT has been greatly enhanced. There is a method to attach a VDBT control to an existing data-access object but not one to attach a data-access object to VDBT control. It has been addressed as follows: A new method, called AttachToControl, has been added to the 6 "OWL style" (BDTO.H) programmatic data access classes which correspond to the data access VBXs (TBatchMove, TDatabase, TDataSource, TQuery, TStoredProc, and TTable). The prototype of this method is: void AttachToControl( HWND hdlg, int idc); hdlg is the HWND of the dialog box which has the data access VBX. idc is the id of the data access VBX. The purpose of the method is to attach an "OWL style" programmatic data access object to the COM object associated with a data access VBX. There is a corresponding constructor which allows initialization of a data access object in this fashion. The new method AttachToControl was added so that the attachment to the VBX can be performed after the data access object has already been constructed, for instance during the SetupWindow method of a class deriving from TDialog. --------------- Instructions --------------- Applying the patch file requires PATCH.EXE, which you will find on your Borland C++ 5.0 CD in the \SETUP\MFC32 directory. In addition, patch is available for download from CompuServe, GEnie, BIX, Borland's Download BBS (DLBBS), via Internet at ftp.borland.com and on your Borland C++ 5.0 CD in the \SETUP\MFC32 directory. 1) Copy BC50P1.RTP and PATCH.EXE into your \BC5 directory, or to the root directory of the drive containing BC++ 5.0. 2) Change directories to the directory used in step 1. For a default installation, enter the following commands at the DOS prompt: C:\> CD \BC5 3) Enter the following command at the DOS prompt: PATCH BC50P1.RTP To create backup copies of the original files while patching use: PATCH -BACKUP BC50P1.RTP Backup copies of the original files will be placed into a directory called BACKUP. If you create a backup, make sure that you have at least 35 MB free or the patch may fail. --------------- Troubleshooting --------------- Patch.exe is a DOS executable. If you experience crashes during the application of the patch under Windows NT 3.51, use Windows 95 or DOS instead. If PATCH.EXE is unable to locate the correct files to patch, you will see the message: Warning wpt0015: Old File does not exist This may indicate one of the following cases: 1) You have previously deleted one or more files from your installation that PATCH.EXE has attempted to patch. In this case, PATCH.EXE will skip the files you have deleted. If you wish to replace a missing file, you must first reinstall from your master diskettes before applying the patch. 2) You have copied PATCH.EXE and the RTP patch file to the wrong directory or drive. In this case, verify the directory name in which you have installed and make sure PATCH.EXE and the RTP patch file on the same drive and in a directory above or equal to that installation. 3) When you installed you chose not to install one or more of the files that PATCH.EXE has attempted to patch. In this case, PATCH.EXE will skip the files you did not install. If you wish to add a missing file, you must first install from your master diskettes before applying the patch. This patch includes files for CodeGuard and Java support, which are only available in the Borland C++ Developer's Suite. Some messages you see may relate to these files, but the failure to install them will not prevent the successful patching of any files present on your system. PATCH.EXE will report the following message if it determines that a file does not need to be patched: New Version of File 'FILENAME' already exists. This may indicate one of the following cases: 1) You have purchased a recent copy of the software in which the software changes have already been introduced. 2) You have already applied the patch. In either case, PATCH.EXE has verified that your software is up to date and you need not take further action. error ept0001: Illegal Input Option '