Steps to install Redhat 6.2 or 7.0 into a CS20 1) Create a CS20 Boot CD from the ISO located at 2) Put the Cs20 boot cd in CS20 P00>Show dev ! To find out drive names 3) b CDROM-drive (b Dqb0) ! To boot and begin REDHAT installation 4) Swap in REDHAT CD's when prompted 5) At completion on installation - halt system 6) Show dev ! To refresh your memory on the drive names 7) remove redhat CD and replace with CS20 Boot CD P00>b harddrive -fl i (b dka0 -fl i) aboot>l ! To verify root directory, if aboot does not come up; BSD label is missing ! Erase partition information and reinstall redhat. (subnote 2) write down partion info (root=/dev/sda2) ctrl p P00>> b dqb1 -fi kernels/cs20-uni-2.2.17.gz -fl "root=/dev/sda2 console=ttyS0 single" (boot kernel off cd, into disk, set console to serial port single user) 8) System will boot now to Bash Sh-2.04# mount /dev/cdrom ! Mount the CS20 Boot disk cd mnt/cdrom/RPMS ! cd to location of RPM rpm -Fvh kernel-2.2.17-cs20.alpha.rpm ! Does all the fixes and setups shutdown -h now remove cd 9) boot harddrive (b dka0 -fl 0) ! Final boot up should boot to login prompt Localhost Login: (Note: If this boot stalls at "Setting up Dummy interface" do not be alarmed. This is a Redhat issue with the installer. The network dummy interface will timeout and finish load.) Subnote 2 If you need to erase the disk partition information to successfully recreate a BSD label for the harddrive, then... 1) P00>> b dqb0 -fi kernels/cs20-uni-2.2.17.gz -fl "root=/dev/sda2 console=ttyS0 single" 2) Sh-2.04# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=4 3) halt system and start at top of page