mSQL-2.0.3: description + notes

Welcome to version 2.0.3 of the Mini SQL database system.  Even though
the 2.0 series software has proven to be stable enough for the development
of large applications, the development process is continual.  Features
are added and bugs are fixed as they are identified so please check our 
web site regularly for upates at

This release includes the new mSQL documentation kit for 2.0.  The
documentation now includes a very comprehensive (i.e. 80+ pages) User
Guide.  The User Guide is included as a postscript file for printing on
your laser printer.  It is also included as an HTML document for those that
do not have a postscript laser.  Some of the formatting is lost during
the conversion to HTML so the postscript version is certainly the best to
use if you can.  The User Guide is located in the doc directory of the

As the software has now officially left the Beta test stage, it is being
released as a commercial package.  The software may be evaluated for 14
days before a license fee is due.  If you continue to use the software
after 14 days you are required to pay a licnese fee.  To license your
copy of mSQL 2.0, simply print out the invoice form located in the doc/
directory of this distribution and return it with payment to us either
via postal mail or via fax.  Our fax number and postal address has
changed since the 1.x release so please check the details before sending
your payment.

Hughes Technologies continues to support the original ethos of the
Internet by providing mSQL 2.0 (and all other Hughes Technologies
products) free of charge to certain organisations.  If your use of our
software is in conjunction with your work or study at one of the
organisational types listed below you may continue to use the software
beyond the 14 day evaluation without licensing your copy.

        o Universities and schools
        o Non-commercial research organisations
        o Registered not-for-profit organisations
        o Registered charities
        o Churches

Government agencies and commercial research organisations (such as
research departments of corporations or government agencies) are not
covered in this clause and as such must license the software if it is to
be used.

Please enjoy this release of mSQL and remeber that further information
and product support is always available.  Our web site contains a lot of
on-line documentation that will help you work with mSQL.  If you need
further assistance, please contact for general
information or for product support.  If you
identify a bug please report it to including the
output of "msqladmin version" and an example query or script that
reproduces your problem.

Please do not send mSQL relates requests to my personal mail account.  We 
have employed staff to respond to mail sent to the above addresses so that 
you have the best support possible.

David J. Hughes
Managing Director
Hughes Technologies Pty Ltd.

To auto-install this package, go back and click on the respective install icon.