HDF-4.1r3: description + notes

HDF is a library and platform independent data format for the storage and exchange of scientific data. It includes C, Fortran, and Java calling interfaces, and utilities for analyzing and converting HDF data files. (Note: Java interfaces are not included in this package. If you need them you can extract them from the source.)

HDF is developed and supported by NCSA, and is freely available. It is used world-wide in many fields, including Environmental Science, Neutron Scattering, Non-Destructive Testing, and Aerospace, to name a few.

Scientific projects that use HDF include NASA's Mission to Planet Earth, and the DOE's Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative.

Included utilities are:

NOTE: Developers intending to use this distribution of libdf or libmfhdf for application development should be sure to read the information below. Users installing HDF for the runtime environment or tools only need not read any further.

Developers intending to use this library for development of other freeware packages or their own software applications will need to be familiar with a few peculiarities due to the way that this library is packaged and installed. The reasons for this installation strategy are described further in the fw_common product release notes.

The header files and libraries in this package are installed into /usr/freeware. This means that when building software using this distribution you should be sure to do the following:

Following these guidelines will allow your application to safely and easily use the software in this package.
To auto-install this package, go back and click on the respective install icon.