IBM VoiceType 3.0
Corrective Service Diskette #1
Corrections Guide

By downloading and/or using this Corrective Service Diskette #1 software, you agree to the following:

  1. You are a current licensee of IBM VoiceType 3.0.
  2. Your use of the software is governed by the same terms of the IBM VoiceType 3.0 program. However, the service/warranty period of such program is not extended from the original date specified in the license information booklet of the VoiceType 3.0 program.

First Edition (October 1996)

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This book provides information about Corrective Service Diskette (CSD) #1 for VoiceType 3.0. The purpose of this book is to identify the problems that are corrected in the CSD. With this information, you can determine whether a specific problem can be corrected by the application of this CSD to IBM VoiceType 3.0, effectively bringing the system level to 3.0.1.


The first section of this book explains how to install the CSD.

The remainder of the book lists the problems that are corrected by the CSD. This information is divided into five major sections:

Some of the major sections are further divided into specialized areas. For example, Dictation contains subsections for direct dictation into Microsoft Word, VoicePad, and QuickDictation.

In each section, the list of problems is shown in a table. The left column of each table describes the problem, and the right column defines the symptoms produced by each problem. Each problem description is listed in the Table of Contents, providing you a "quick reference" that should help you quickly determine whether a certain problem is corrected in this CSD.

Sometimes, the correction to one problem affects other areas of the system; therefore, some problem descriptions appear in more than one section.

Note: The list of problems in this document is not exhaustive; that is, this CSD could contain corrections to problems that are not listed in this document.

Table of Contents



General protection failure during Navigation

Failure during switch between dictation and command mode

Failure when adding word

Error occurs during training

Same word keeps getting misrecognized

Page fault selecting sehr and replacing with SEHR


Internal errors 99 and 215 during training

Restore user function

Error occurs during training



Correction dialog partially off screen

Unclear message in status bar after deletion of word

Last entry in Correction dialog is hidden

Both parts of a compound word are capitalized

Correction doesn't work, or wrong text gets highlighted during Correction

Window focus is lost when Correction is canceled

Word 6.0 and Word 7.0

Dictated words lost after an audio overrun

Cursor moves after a dictated word is deleted

Macro text appears instead of executing

WordBasic Err = 535 and/or Err = 100

Word becomes suspended after uninstall and reinstall

Macro causes word to appear in lowercase

WordBasic Error 509

Message: "Unable to dictate into a protected document"

Exiting Word gives "word basic error = 124"

Document number increases by one

Fonts change when I say NEW-LINE or NEW-PARAGRAPH

Uppercase words change if they're at the beginning of a sentence

Cannot use a template other than "normal"

Next field overwrites target field

Cannot use "Backward" and "Forward" commands

Page fault when starting spelling checker or using insert symbols

VoicePad and QuickDictation

Correct Error button not disabled

Font style and size settings flip-flop when changed during dictation

Can't hear words during playback

My text is transferred to the wrong place

Words get lost switching between spell/number and dictation

Three clicks required to hear a word

Message "This speech application cannot be run while enrollment…"

VoicePad opens and saves to ibmvtype\bin

Words being corrected are misaligned

No space appears between spelling or numbers and dictated text

Special keys in dictation macros are displayed instead of executed

Font size and type are lost when restarting VoicePad

Correction out of synch using CTRL+BCKSPC for deleting word

VoiceType Direct

VT Direct cannot correct dictated text in WordPerfect 7.0

Message "This speech application cannot be run while enrollment…"

Special keys in dictation macros are displayed instead of executed

Dictation Macro Editor

Closes too soon



Expanding a list in "What Can I Always Say" causes a page fault

System slows or runs out of resources

Page Up/Down doesn't work in "What Can I Say" unless treeview has focus

I turn the microphone off but the application thinks it's still on

Page fault in Word 7 when starting spell checker or using insert symbols

Page fault in COMCTL32.DLL with Microsoft Internet Explorer

VoiceCenter closes shortly after starting

Application Macros

Closing keystrokes do not appear in the Captured Actions list

Lists are executed at the end of a macro

Modifying a macro description causes a page fault in ICSSWAPI.DLL

Create macro command works differently from Macro button


Difficulty in training words


Starter Set

Some words are always incorrect

Emergency Medicine

Numbers display incorrectly


Note: This installation procedure requires up to 9 MB of hard file space. Be sure that you have sufficient space available.

Before you proceed, be sure that all applications, especially the Control Panel, are closed.

To install this CSD, you must have the refreshed version of VoiceType 3.0 installed. To verify this information, check the header information in the README file of your installed VoiceType product. If it contains the information "IBM VoiceType Version 3.0 (960614) for Windows 95," then it is the correct version.

If you choose to download this CSD, you should be aware of the following:

Follow these steps to install the CSD:

  1. Set up a temporary directory for the CSD.
  2. Using your internet browser, locate the file named CSD1_US.EXE.
  3. Click the file name. The browser will then begin downloading the CSD.
  4. After the CSD has completed downloading, install it by typing CSD1_US. The CSD will automatically install.



General protection failure during Navigation

During normal Navigation, the speech engine can fail with a general protection violation.

Failure during switch between dictation and command mode

An "Invalid Page Fault" can occur during the switch from Dictation mode to Navigation.

Failure when adding word

An engine failure can result from adding words with very long spellings.

Error occurs during training

Training fails if VoiceType is installed in a directory with a blank space in its name.

Same word keeps getting misrecognized

Words that are misrecognized, then corrected, can continue to be misrecognized. Accuracy is actually supposed to improve with correction.

Page fault selecting sehr and replacing with SEHR

This occurs on German systems only.



Internal errors 99 and 215 during training

Training fails and is then restarted, then training again fails and generates consecutive internal error messages 99 and 215.

Restore user function

When you execute restore user function on another system that has the same user ID as on the system that the information was saved on, the warning message leads you to believe that there is a duplicate user when one doesn't exist.

Error occurs during training

Training fails if VoiceType is installed in a directory with a blank space in its name.




Correction dialog partially off screen

If the QuickDictation or VoicePad windows are positioned toward any edge of the screen (left, right, top or bottom), the Correction dialog can pop up with part of it displayed off the edge of the screen.

Unclear message in status bar after deletion of word

In VoicePad and Quick Dictation, if a word is deleted with the Correction dialog, an incomprehensible message appears in the status bar

(UI0302:" was added).

Last entry in Correction dialog is hidden

If the Windows 95 Taskbar is set to "Always on Top," it can obscure the last entries in the Correction dialog. This occurs only on low resolution screens (640*480) with large fonts set and alternates > ~12.

Both parts of a compound word are capitalized

If a compound word is selected ("rendez-vous," for example), when "Format" then "Capitalize" are chosen, both parts of the compound word are capitalized. Therefore, you get "Rendez-Vous" instead of the expected "Rendez-vous." The proper result is for only the first word of the compound word to be capitalized.

Correction doesn't work, or wrong texts gets highlighted during Correction

When a word is selected for correction, the selection extends into another word or adjacent space(s). After correction, the new correct word is inserted into the text, but parts of the old incorrect word might remain.

Window focus is lost when Correction is canceled

If the Correction dialog is canceled during audio playback, Window focus is lost.

Word 6.0 and Word 7.0


Dictated words lost after an audio overrun

On some systems (generally those with slower processors), an audio overrun can occur if you dictate ahead of VoiceType. The audible prompt "Dictation Stopped" is issued with an error pop-up, but some of the dictated words might be lost.

Cursor moves after a dictated word is deleted

After a word is deleted with the Correction dialog, the cursor moves to the beginning of the line instead of remaining in place.

Macro text appears instead of executing

When a misrecognized dictation macro, such as "new-line," is corrected with the Correction dialog (by selecting or by typing in the appropriate spelling), the macro does not get executed upon validation. Instead, the text of the macro itself (NEW-LINE in this example) is put into the Word edit window.

WordBasic Err = 535 and/or Err = 100

Actions that modify (such as creating a macro or a glossary entry) can cause problems when you restart or close Word.
  • Upon restarting:

WordBasic Err=535 Impossible to run the macro (already running)

  • Upon closing:

WordBasic Err=100 Syntax error

Note: If you dismiss these message boxes (click OK), everything seems to work normally.

Word becomes suspended after uninstall and reinstall

If VoiceType is uninstalled and then reinstalled, then Microsoft Word becomes suspended upon opening.

Macro causes word to appear in lowercase

Dictation macros that have no text but have the options "Join to previous," "Join to next," and "Lowercase" set can cause the first word to appear in lowercase.

For example, a macro called "GLUE" has no text and the "Join to previous," "Join to next," and "Lowercase" buttons set. It is dictated as:

I <GLUE> words

The result is "iwords" when it should be "Iwords."

WordBasic Error 509

Unable to dictate into fields in a protected document. This problem occurs only in the original U.S. release of VoiceType 3.0.

Message: "Unable to dictate into a protected document"

Unable to dictate into fields in a protected document. This problem is the same as the preceding one, but this problem occurs only in the original non-U.S. release of VoiceType 3.0.

Exiting Word gives "word basic error=124"

Microsoft Word initializes with 2 blank documents. You close both documents, exit Word, and receive "word basic error=124."

Closing Document2 and then Document1 using "X" and selecting "No" when prompted to save changes, then closing Word using "X" results in a "Word basic error=124."

Document number increases by one

Microsoft Word initializes with 2 blank documents. You close both documents, exit Word, and receive "word basic error=124."

Closing Document2 and then Document1 using "X" and selecting "No" when prompted to save changes, then closing Word using "X" results in a "Word basic error=124."

Fonts change when I say NEW-LINE or NEW-PARAGRAPH

Fonts settings (font name and size) are reset after a macro such as NEW-LINE or NEW-PARAGRAPH is dictated.

Uppercase words change if they're at the beginning of a sentence

At the beginning of a sentence, words that are all uppercase or a mixture of upper- and lowercase, are displayed incorrectly. For example: NASA becomes Nasa, IBM becomes Ibm, and McIntosh becomes Mcintosh.

Cannot use a template other than "normal"

Word support is putting items in "normal" that could conflict with other templates.

Next field overwrites target field

Next field overwrites the target field. Subsequent dictation into the next field is stored as ordinary text.

Cannot use "Backward" and "Forward" commands

Navigating in Word, the Backward and Forward commands are recognized but don't do anything. This occurs only if VoicePad is running at the same time.

Page fault when starting spelling checker or using insert symbols

Running the spelling checker or using insert symbols in Word 7 with the Navigator running causes a page fault in MSO95.DLL

VoicePad and QuickDictation


Correct Error button not disabled

While you are correcting words in QuickDictation, the "Correct Error" button is not disabled. It can be pressed again even though the Correction dialog is already displayed.

Font style and size settings flip-flop when changed during dictation

While you are dictating, changing either the font style or font size can cause the other to change.

Can't hear words during playback

If more than 100 words are selected and "Playback" is selected from the Dictation menu bar, the words are not played back. No message appears to indicate that there is a problem or that this is not a valid operation.

My text is transferred to the wrong place

If there is a window behind VoicePad, clicking the transfer toolbar icon and releasing it causes the text to be transferred to this window.

This occurs because VoicePad moves to the background, leaving the application window behind it on top. This causes the pointer to be on the application and, after you let go of the pointer, the text is transferred to the application.

With this correction, a timer has been added to prevent the text from transferring unless the mouse button is held down for a short period of time.

Words get lost switching between spell/number and dictation

When switching between spell- or number-mode and dictation, the microphone is switched off and on. Words spoken while the microphone is off are lost.

Three clicks required to hear a word

If you exit the Correction by pressing Esc, the focus is placed outside of the edit field (the "Done" button). This requires a third click to hear a word; the first sets the focus to the edit field and the last two select the word.

Message "This speech application cannot be run while enrollment…"

This message is displayed in VoicePad if the Microphone Setup is running at the same time.

VoicePad opens and saves to ibmvtype\bin

When a file or session is opened or saved, VoicePad uses \IBMVTYPE\BIN as the initial default directory. With this correction, VoicePad initially uses the last directory used, or it defaults to \IBMVTYPE\TEMP.

Words being corrected are misaligned

Replacing text with a word that has either more or fewer characters causes the dictated text that follows to be misaligned. If the replacement is done with "Replace" in the "Edit" menu, the words following it are shifted.

No space appears between spelling or numbers and dictated text

A NEW-LINE or NEW-PARAGRAPH is dictated, followed by either BEGIN-SPELL or BEGIN-NUMBERS. When dictation is resumed, there is no space between last character spelled (or the last number) and the next word dictated.

Special keys in dictation macros are displayed instead of executed

When you select the "transfer by keystrokes" option, special keys that, when translated, result in lengths greater than nine characters are not recognized, and they are sent as character strings instead of the special character they are supposed to represent.

For example, in French the macro text "[Tabulation]" is 10 characters long. This results in "[Tabulation]" being sent instead of an actual TAB key.

A work-around was provided as the first nine characters are unique. The fix to this problem will allow these "work-around" macros to continue to function.

This problem occurs only in non-U.S. VoiceType systems.

Font size and type are lost when restarting VoicePad

VoicePad uses a default font size and type when it is started. This information is not saved, so anyone who requires larger fonts must manually select them each time VoicePad is opened.

The correction for this problem now saves the font information so it remains constant between VoicePad exits and opens.

Correction out of sync using CTRL+BCKSPC for deleting word

When you delete the word previous to the current cursor position by pressing CTRL+BCKSPC, you cannot correct any following word.

VoiceType Direct


VT Direct cannot correct dictated text in WordPerfect 7.0

vtdirect.cfg needs to be updated to include a stanza for the new window class in WordPerfect 7.0. The README should also be updated to include WordPerfect 7.0 as per WordPerfect 6.0.

Message "This speech application cannot be run while enrollment..."

This message is displayed in VoiceType Direct if the Microphone Setup application is running at the same time.

Special keys in dictation macros are displayed instead of executed

When you select the "transfer by keystrokes" option, special keys that, when translated, result in lengths greater than nine characters are not recognized, and they are sent as character strings instead of the special character they are supposed to represent.

For example, in French the macro text "[Tabulation]" is 10 characters long. This results in "[Tabulation]" being sent instead of an actual TAB key.

A work-around was provided as the first nine characters are unique. The fix to this problem will allow these "work-around" macros to continue to function.

This only occurs in non-U.S. VoiceType systems.

Dictation Macro Editor


Closes too soon

In using QuickDictation to dictate into the Macro Editor (say Begin Dictation when the Macro Editor has the focus), saying Done or Transfer closes or begins to close the Editor immediately after transferring the text.

This only occurs if VoiceCenter is running, since that is the only way QuickDictation can be started. If the focus is on the case-sensitive name, saying Done or Transfer causes the text to be transferred, and the Macro Editor closes. If the focus is on the Description field, saying Done or Transfer causes the text to transfer, followed by the message: "Warning, The macro contents have changed, do you really want to discard your changes?"




Expanding a list in the "What Can I Always Say" window while in sleep mode causes a page fault

If the "What Can I Always Say" dialog is open and the microphone is in sleep mode, clicking any of the "+" signs after the third entry from the top generates a page fault.

System slows or runs out of resources

A memory leak (memory being allocated but not freed) causes performance to be impacted and possibly causes the system to run out of resources after 20 minutes of use. After about 90 minutes, you could be unable to start anything in his "Where Can I Go" list when you double-click it.

Page Up/Down does not work in the "What Can I Say" window unless the treeview has focus

PageUp/PageDown keys or voice commands do not work in "What Can I Say" unless the treeview has input focus. By default in VoiceType 3.0, when you bring up the "What Can I Say" window, the notebook tabs have input focus. Therefore, when the system recognizes Page Up or Page Down, or when you press the Page Up or Page Down key, the treeview list does not respond. Clicking one of the items in the list gives the list focus.

This CSD corrects the problem by giving the list focus when you bring up the "What Can I Say" window.

I turn the microphone off but the application thinks it's still on

This problem occurs only if you are running VoiceType 3.0 with another speech-aware application that uses the VoiceType speech engine (such as the sample programs with the VoiceType Toolkit),

While the Navigator is running with another speech-aware application that has speech focus, and you turn off the microphone by pressing the microphone button on the Navigator, the Navigator should inform the application to turn the microphone off.

Page fault in Word 7 when starting spell checker or using insert symbols

Running the spell checker or using insert symbols in Word 7 with the Navigator running causes a page fault in MSO95.DLL

Page fault in COMCTL32.DLL with Microsoft Internet Explorer.

The new release of Microsoft Internet Explorer installs a new version of COMCTL32.DLL. With this dll installed, the Navigator (KEYSERV) causes a page fault in COMCTL32.DLL.

VoiceCenter closes shortly after starting

This problem appears on German systems only.

Application Macros


Closing keystrokes do not appear in the Captured Actions list

With macros that end by closing the application with keystrokes, those closing keystrokes ("Alt+F4" or "C" from the System Menu or "Enter" from the System Menu) do not show up in the Captured Actions list.

Lists are executed at the end of a macro

Lists are always executed at the end of a macro, even if keystrokes are captured after entering the list.

For example: A macro is created for WordPad ("my size") that captures Alt+o and f (to open the font window in WordPad), Alt+s and the "0 to 9" list. When the macro "my size" is spoken, it executes:

Alt+o f Alt+s enter 9

instead of:

Alt+o f Alt+s 9 enter

Thus, instead of changing the size, a "9" is inserted in WordPad.

Modifying a macro description causes a page fault in ICSSWAPI.DLL

Modifying a macro description with a maximum-length description causes a page fault in ICSSWAPI.DLL.

Create macro command works differently from Macro button

The "Create Macro" command works differently from the Macro button. If you:
  1. Open VoiceCenter, "What Can I Say," and another application with "Always on Top" set.
  2. Place the "What Can I Say" window along the right edge of your display.
  3. With focus on the other application, say: Create Macro.

The Current Macro window appears behind the "What Can I Say" window.

If you click the Macro button, then it works correctly.

After the Macro window comes up hidden and the you say Create Macro again (or if you then click the Macro button) you get the message: "NAV0151: Unable to create the macro class."



Difficulty in training words

When using Train Word, you receive the message saying that you need to provide a different sounds-like spelling or rerecord the word's audio. It can take two or more attempts before the word is added successfully.


Starter Set


Some words are always incorrect

Words that end in the "t," "b," "d," or "k" sounds are recognized incorrectly, even after repeated corrections. This causes one word to be chosen over another regardless of the context in which the word is used.

Emergency Medicine


Numbers display incorrectly

When you dictate stand-alone numbers such as 80, 70 or 77, an apostrophe is inserted as though you are dictating a year. Also, when you dictate some numbers (such as 7 or 9), they are concatenated to the previous word.

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