READ.ME for LATEST41 (V41RSU) Note: The zip file (V41READ.ZIP) may be distributed as LATEST41.EXE Description: ------------ This package provides replacement modules for the "TCP/IP Version 4.1 for OS/2" tcp/ip stack and DLL's. Note that service is cumulative. See the Change History below for the APARs applied to the stack and DLL's since "TCP/IP Version 4.1 for OS/2" GA. The package also includes some changes to enhance performance related to Java. Change History: --------------- Abstract (most recent APAR fix): name abstract ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26673 Perf: Remove wakeup in soisdisconnecting (BSD4.4 compliance) 40377 Change of Share names 40392 Extra router added in Config Notebook 40419 Ping fails for MVS 40460 SLIPPM fails when "CONNECT" is login id IC20995 DHCP server allocates address outside the server subnet IC20587 Increase default window sizes for TCP 4.1 to 32KB IC20489 Trap E when PINGing to a subnet or broadcast address. 40471 Servicing new request after droping a random conn. 40475 To allocate socket NOs 32,64 and so on 40476 Removing unnecessary check before soabort(). 40483 AUSTIN DEV - afinet splis() function broken, sockets too. 40487 Class A and Class B IP addresses had a problem with dynamic opt 40488 Removal of redundant code and extra wakeups: 40500 Added check to length of name in 'gethostbyname()'. 40503 AUSTIN DEV - HPS potential sosend() data corruption 40506 throwing exception while adding a net router 40575 Retrofit loopback on context hook 40595 Enhancing the use of tcp_trace 40604 changes to socket struture. 40617 AUSTIN DEV - ioctl (SIOCSIFFLAGS): invalid argument 40654 AUSTIN DEV - int 3 afos2.sys - when sockets and afinet missing 40655 AUSTIN DEV socket structure still mis-aligned 40660 trap 14 in sockets.sys IC21112 APAR IC21112 40678 BOX CHARACTER ic20417 Merlin client's backspace problem 40686 Host cursor problem IC20605 To Fix the version mismatch IC21723 change for APAR IC21723 ic21745 TFTP client request retransmission fails ic21798 tftp overwrite problem 40689 Check added for ERROR_ALREADY_RESET for monconn semaphore reset IC21059 PROBLEM WITH XLATE TABLE TCPDECMU IC20666 breaking of previous command byCNTRL+C IC21956 Accept returning EINVAL instead of EINTR. 40724 Trap E due to invalid parameter passed to 'transmitconfirm()'. 40752 Re-adjust the MTU size for DIX packets. 40758 Telnet window not resizing properly ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Prerequisites: ------------- You must have the following installed on your system: - "TCP/IP Version 4.1 for OS/2", component id 5639B1700, R530 - "MPTS Version 5.30", WRx86xx Pre-Installation Instruction: ---------------------------- The following must be done one time only to avoid tcp/ip problems: If the file c:\tcpip\archive\dll\tcpipdll.dll exists, please erase it. (Substitute the drive letter on which \TCPIP\ is installed for "c:") This is a downlevel DLL which may replace the current DLL. Installation instructions: -------------------------- 1. You should create a temporary directory and decompress (unzip) V41RSU.ZIP into it. Enter the following command: INSTAPAR No subdirectories are created. 2. Shutdown and reboot your system. 3. Your system should now start normally and all file changes will be in effect. 4. When your system has completed startup, you can verify that the new TCP/IP stack is running by issuing the following command from an OS/2 command prompt: INETVER The following should be displayed: Version numbers of TCP/IP protocol drivers: SOCKETS.SYS: 5.3007 AFOS2.SYS: 5.3001 AFINET.SYS: 5.3006 Contents -------- The following is a list of the files contained in V41RSU.ZIP and the directories in which they should be placed after installation. y:\ is the drive on which MPTN was installed and x:\ is the drive on which TCPIP was installed. (Usually x:\ and y:\ are same). y:\mptn\protocol 10-26-98 6:28p 297984 0 afinet.sys 10-26-98 6:28p 197632 0 aflean.sys 10-26-98 6:28p 13312 0 afos2.sys 10-26-98 6:28p 111616 0 sockets.sys y:\mptn\dll 10-26-98 6:28p 14725 0 so32dll.dll 10-26-98 6:28p 19289 0 tcp32dll.dll 10-26-98 6:28p 82651 0 tcpip32.dll 10-26-98 6:28p 14340 0 tcpipdll.dll 10-26-98 6:28p 35956 0 tcpmri.dll y:\mptn\bin 10-26-98 6:28p 55911 0 cntrl.exe 10-26-98 6:28p 93817 0 dhcpmon.exe 10-26-98 6:28p 48247 0 ifconfig.exe 10-26-98 6:28p 121970 0 ipformat.exe 10-26-98 6:28p 436344 0 named.exe x:\tcpip\bin 10-26-98 6:28p 93817 0 dhcpsd.exe 10-26-98 6:28p 185437 0 ftp.exe 10-26-98 6:28p 94302 0 ftpd.exe 10-26-98 6:28p 163942 0 ftpdc.exe 10-26-98 6:28p 200793 0 slippm.exe 10-26-98 6:28p 293984 0 telnet.exe 10-26-98 6:28p 24328 0 telnetd.exe 10-26-98 6:28p 34348 0 telnetdc.exe 10-26-98 6:28p 315490 0 telnetpm.exe 10-26-98 6:28p 7593 0 term-is.exe 10-26-98 6:28p 50865 0 tftp.exe 10-26-98 6:28p 118297 0 tftpd.exe 10-26-98 6:28p 39511 0 vdebug.exe 10-26-98 6:28p 36951 0 vdosctl.exe 10-26-98 6:28p 49480 0 vdostcp.vdd x:\tcpip\java\en_US 10-26-98 6:28p 41517 0 cfg2res.jar