TCP/IP For OS/2 V3.5 Applications for Warp Server SMP FixPak UN00965 English - US This FixPak contains fixes for IBM TCP/IP for OS/2 V3.5 Applications, including FTP, FTPD, NewsReader/2, Syslogd and TCPCOEX. After applying this FixPak the TCP/IP Applications for OS/2 will be Year 2000 ready. NOTE : UN00965.INF, located on the first FixPak diskette, contains installation, and other useful information about this FixPak. Please review before installation of service. ************************************************************************ Diskettes can be created using the LOADDSKF utility. There are 3 files/images included in this package. ************************************************************************ UN0965B1 DSK TCP/IP DISKETTE #1 3.50 1.44MB UN0965B2 DSK TCP/IP DISKETTE #2 3.50 1.44MB FIXT139 DSK FIXTOOLDISKETTE 3.50 1.44MB