NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: Novell Windows DLLs Update File DOCUMENT ID: TID500458 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 19DEC94 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: NWDLL2.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare Client for DOS/MS Windows 1.2 ABSTRACT: This file contains updated Windows DLL (Dynamic Link Libraries) for workstations using either NETX or the VLMs. This file is to be used as an update to the DOS/Windows Clients Kits v1.02 and v1.1x. If you have NetWare 4.1 and installed the client that is provided, then there is no need to updates to these modules. In this update, the DLLs have decreased the amount of conventional fixed memory used. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Note: These DLLs will not work with NWADMIN v4.06 or earlier that shipped with NetWare 4.02 and NetWare 4.01. If you update your Windows clients with these DLL's, you will need to update the version of NWADMIN to v4.10 when using NetWare 4.x. Currently, the update to NWADMIN can be found in a file called NWADM1.EXE in NOVLIB\14. SYMPTOM The problem appears when an application makes a SPX diagnostics call that is handled by NWIPXSPX.DLL. The result of the call by NWIPXSPX.DLL can cause a General Protection Fault in the KERNEL.EXE. SYMPTOM NWIPXSPX.DLL does not wait long enough for a reply causing the Windows application to timeout. In this update, the timeout is extended to .5 seconds. In an environment using a third party router, this increase in the timeout will allow the information to be returned from the router to the Windows application before timing out. SYMPTOM The amount of conventional fixed memory below 1 MB used by the DLLs was optimized. SYMPTOM This file contains updated Novell DLLs for users of Windows 3.1x and Windows for Workgroups (WFWG) 3.11. SOLUTION Use the Novell Client Windows DLL's supplied in NWDLL2.EXE. NOTE: When you expand NWDLL2.EXE, it will automatically create two sub-directories: NWDLL (containing Windows DLLs for NETX and VLMs workstations); OLDDLLS (containing DLLs that may be needed for some Windows applications). Copy the updated files to the appropriate directories, and restart Windows. Files marked with an '^' have been updated since NWDLL1.EXE. Self-Extracting File Name: NWDLL2.EXE Revision: A Files Included Size Date Time Version SDK \ NWDLL2.TXT (Readme in ASCII text format) NWDLL2.WRI (Readme in Windows Write format) NWDLL2.WPD (Readme in WordPerfect 5.1 format) \NWDLL\ NWCALLS.DLL 147,616 10-20-94 11:56a 4.10 1.10 ^ NWIPXSPX.DLL 41,456 10-18-94 2:55p 4.10 1.10 ^ NWLOCALE.DLL 43,088 09-20-94 12:16p 4.10 1.10 ^ NWNET.DLL 225,264 10-18-94 04:35p 4.10 1.10 ^ NWPSRV.DLL 277,532 10-06-94 01:35p 4.10 1.10 ^ PNW.DLL 106,752 12-08-93 10:43a 0.01 n/a ^ NWGDI.DLL 82,064 05-17-94 10:25a 1.01 n/a ^ \OLDDLLS\ NWPSERV.DLL 20,929 01-29-92 10:50a 1.30 n/a NWNETAPI.DLL 106,884 01-07-93 1:31p 1.30 n/a NETAPI.DLL 7,168 06-24-91 11:05a n/a n/a Installation Instructions: It is highly recommended that you run the DOS/Windows client install that is provided with NetWare 3.12 and NetWare 4.x whenever possible. This client installation process guarantees the proper installation of the appropriate files and settings. To update existing clients make a backup of any files currently on your workstation or File Server that appear in the list above. FOR THE FILES IN THE SUB-DIRECTORIES OF NWDLL2.EXE: Note: The files in the \NWDLL\ directory are for use with either NETX or VLM workstation configurations excluding NWGDI.DLL which is only required for NETWARE.DRV v3.03 or later currently found in WINDR2.EXE. Installation Instructions: 1. Check for the existence of NW*.DLL in the WINDOWS directory. If the file exist then delete it. The Novell DLL's should be in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. 2. Make a backup copy of the existing NW*.DLL located in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. 3. Copy the NW*.DLL's to the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. ======================================================== Copy the following files to the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory: NWCALLS.DLL APIs for NCP communication between the f/s and w/s. NWIPXSPX.DLL APIs for IPX/SPX communication. NWLOCALE.DLL APIs for localization and internationalization of applications. NWNET.DLL Network API support for NDS, etc. NWPSRV.DLL Contains print server services APIs. NWGDI.DLL APIs for Graphical Display Interface for NETWARE.DRV v3.03. *PNW.DLL APIs for Personal NetWare Graphical Utilities. ======================================================== *Note: If you are not using Novell's Personal NetWare product, the PNW.DLL is not required. However, if the PNW.VLM is loaded when Wind ows starts, NETWARE.DRV will expect PNW.DLL to be loaded. If it is not found, a error message will appear. Note: Depending on your previous installation, the DLLs or other files listed above may be located in the \WINDOWS directory. Make sure that you have a copy of the files listed above only in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory (for stand alone version, if shared version then update the DLLs in the shared directory), as you may have spurious results if you have different versions of the same DLL located in each of the directories. The recommended configuration is to place all the files listed in the section above only in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. ===================================================================== FOR THE FILES IN THE SUB-DIRECTORY [OLDDLLS]: Note: The files located in the [OLDDLLS] sub-directory are older DLLs that are no longer maintained by NOVELL. They are included in this file as a resource for applications or SYSTEMS that may require their use. Note: If a DLL found in the NWDLL2\OLDDLLS sub-directory ships from a vendor, then use the version provided by that vendor. For example, Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (WFWG) ships a newer NETAPI.DLL 11-03-94 than the one included in NWDLL2\OLDDLLS, in this case, use the newer of the two files provided by Microsoft. ===================================================================== Copy the following files from [OLDDLLS] to the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory: NETAPI.DLL v1.3D API support for the SQL Server front end. NWNETAPI.DLL v1.30 Same as NWCALLS.DLL. Will be phased out. NWPSERV.DLL v1.30 Contains older print server services APIs. Some applications specifically call this DLL. It is being replaced by NWPSRV.DLL ===================================================================== More on [OLDDLL] files - These files are older versions of the NetWare API dynamic link libraries (DLLs). These DLLs are used by some applications. A good rule of thumb to follow is to check your WINDOWS and WINDOWS\SYSTEM directories to see if these files exist. If they do, and they are older than the DLLs, included with this file, update them with the NWDLL2\OLDDLL files. If the DLL exists in the Windows directory move it into the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory for consistency. If they are not in the WINDOWS or WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory, then they are not needed and do not need to be copied. If you do install an application which uses any of these DLLs, you can use these files to update the DLLs, provided these OLDDLLs are newer than the ones provided from the vendor. In the case of the NETAPI.DLL shipped in WFWG 3.11, use the one provided by Microsoft. ================================================================ Note: For more details on how to set up the VLMs and/or NETX workstations with a networked version of Windows, refer to VLMWIN.TXT found in WINDR2.EXE\READMES sub-directory. ================================================================ Any comments or suggestions on how we can improve the delivery of these client update files are welcomed. Any enhancement request to these drivers are welcomed at the same address. Please send your responses to via Internet Mail. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ÿ