NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: Selected VLMs Updated Since the v1.10 Release DOCUMENT ID: TID021397 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 16JUN94 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: VLMUP2.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare Client for DOS/MS Windows 1.1 ABSTRACT: This file contains the following v1.11 VLMs that have been updated since the v1.10 client kit was released: VLM.EXE, AUTO.VLM, CONN.VLM, FIO.VLM, GENERAL.VLM and REDIR.VLM. It also contains an updated IPXODI.COM file for use with drivers that need to set a NET:NODE address dynamically. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYMPTOM Various anomalies manifested in the v1.1 VLMs listed: VLM.EXE, AUTO.VLM, CONN.VLM, FIO.VLM, GENERAL.VLM and REDIR.VLM. SOLUTION Use the updated VLMs located in this file. Self-Extracting File Name: VLMUP2.EXE Revision: A Files Included Size Date Time \ VLMUP2.TXT (This File) FIO.VLM 17914 04-12-94 11:06a VLM.EXE 36635 03-14-94 10:55a AUTO.VLM 4479 03-14-94 10:57a CONN.VLM 10705 03-14-94 10:56a REDIR.VLM 13665 04-12-94 11:06a IPXODI.COM 30126 03-14-94 8:43a GENERAL.VLM 4203 03-14-94 10:58a Installation Instructions: 1. Make a backup copy of the existing VLM files located in the workstation's \NWCLIENT directory. 2. Make a backup copy of the existing IPXODI.COM file located in the workstation's \NWCLIENT directory. 3. Copy the updated VLMs and IPXODI.COM files to the workstation's \NWCLIENT directory. Solution Specifics: The following are the changes made to the VLMs listed above since the v1.10 client kit. AUTO.VLM --------------------- o Added changes which will allow a workstation to reconnect to multiple servers, if the workstation loses connection to more than one server. o Added support to identify a connection as "waiting to be reconnected." CONN.VLM --------------------- o Added support to identify a connection as "waiting to be reconnected." FIO.VLM --------------------- o Fixed a bug in renegotiating packet size in a burst when NetWare has encountered bursts fragments from a previous burst. o Closed a window that could cause, and was causing in some WAN cases, old frames from previous bursts to confuse the current burst. Note: For the PBURST fixes to work, please download PBURST.EXE from NOVLIB Library 05, and apply the server fix for packet burst. GENERAL.VLM --------------------- o Added a new API used by VNETWARE.386 v2.04 or later. This fixed possible problems when exiting Windows and the user is unable to establish a default connection and drive in the SYS:LOGIN directory. REDIR.VLM --------------------- o Corrected a problem with REDIR.VLM for usage with NFS for LAN WorkPlace. The problem was showing up when files were being copied from a local to a Network drive. The date and time was being modified. o Corrected a problem with REDIR.VLM for usage with Pathworks. The change corrects a condition that would cause a "NET810: Unexpected Network Error" when using Pathworks. VLM.EXE --------------------- o Added code to check the local NODE Address in IPXODI. If the NET:NODE address in IPXODI is a -1 (all F's), then VLM.EXE will skip the connect and map portion of the VLM load sequence. This allows the VLMs to load more quickly when a network is not present. This situation requires that a valid NET:NODE address be set by software after the initial load and before connecting to a network. o Modified a "Fixup procedure" to correctly handle the global memory move properly. This procedure is only used by those VLMs that do not wish to do the fixups and global memory moves themselves. All Client VLMs shipped in the v1.10 client kit, at this point in time, do not use this API. This change was needed for some third-party VLMs. IPXODI.COM _____________________ o New code was added to allow dialer utilities to change the net and node addresses dynamically. _Verified by customer _Verified by Novell ---------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ÿ