Multiple volume rendering

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Mark Davey (
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 12:27:56 -0700


I would like to say that the example code for rendering multiple volumes
is extremely limited.
Several assumptions are made, the worst being that all the volumes are
of the same size and are aligned. In order to produce a commercial
piece of software using Volumizer aimed at medical image visualisation I
would say that it is extremely important to be able to render more than
one data set at a time. There should not be the restriction of equal
size and alignment across data sets.

My question then is this. Is there any publically available code to
achieve the rendering of multiple arbitrarily sized and positioned
volumes using Volumizer. I fear that since such code was not shipped
with the API that this really is a non-trivial task, but one that is
very useful for the success of Volumizer (within a medical arena at


From: Mark Davey
Dept. of Medical Physics, UCL.

TEL: +44 (0)171 915 1673. FAX: +44 (0)171 837 9279.

Institute of Laryngology and Otology, 330 Gray's Inn Road, London. WC1X 8GE.

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