Re: remote display

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Michael Boyles (
Thu, 22 Jul 1999 09:32:08 -0500 (EST)

What Sean said is the only solution I could come up with also. I did
this a couple of years ago using a standard raycasting technique
(Volumizer wasn't around yet) and then sent the image over the web to
a Java applet for collaborative visualization. For more information,
please check out It has the
link to the paper that appeared in Journal of Concurrency: Practice
and Experience.

I think the problem is that even when you remote display from an SGI
machine, OpenGL uses the local machine's hardware. Is there anyway to
force OpenGL (and hence Volumizer) to use the distant machine's

- Mike
 _/ \_
| Michael Boyles |
| Research Programmer |
| |
| Advanced Visualization Lab |
| Indiana University |
| |
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|_ _|

On Wed, 21 Jul 1999, Sean Spicer wrote:

> Clara,
> My suggestion would be to composite the final image on one of the local
> rendering pipes, use a glReadPixels(...) to grab the image, send the data
> over a socket connection to the remote machine, and have that machine
> glDrawPixels(...) from a waiting context. I know this involves
> non-trivial software development (I looked into writing such a utility for
> a Java remote interface a while back) ....but until sgi picks up the ball
> I think this is what you'll have to do.
> But, as always, there's probably another way <grin>.
> Hope that answers your question.
> sean
> > Hi,
> > What is a good way to render the image on one machine (using one
> > or more pipes)
> > and then display the final image on a remote machine?
> > Thanks.
> > Clara
> >
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> Sean Spicer Stanford University Medical Center
> Biomechanical Engineering Division of Vascular Surgery, Suite H3642
> Cardiovascular Biomechanics Lab Stanford CA, 94305
> Telephone...650.723.1695
> Fax.........650.723.8762

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