Re: Partial Brick Question

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Robert Grzeszczuk (rg)
Tue, 20 Jul 1999 10:52:00 -0700 (PDT)


Possibly, although, I have to say that this does require non-negligable coding
effort. We may have to prioritize. Do you know how much demand exsits for
this kind of functionality?


On Jul 20, 12:34pm, Mark Davey wrote:
> Subject: Partial Brick Question
> It has just to my attention that a voBrickSetCollection cannot support
> voPartialBrickTypeScope::AUGMENT with an interpolation type of _2D.
> Will this be rectified in the future?
> Regards
> Mark..
> --
> From: Mark Davey
> Dept. of Medical Physics, UCL.
> TEL: +44 (0)171 915 1673.
> FAX: +44 (0)171 837 9279.
> Institute of Laryngology and Otology,
> 330 Gray's Inn Road,
> London.
> WC1X 8GE.
>-- End of excerpt from Mark Davey

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