[Fwd: dataset formats]

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Michael Buehlmann (michael.buehlmann@vision.ee.ethz.ch)
Wed, 30 Jun 1999 17:50:29 +0200


attached mail follows:

Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 17:31:29 +0200
From: Michael Buehlmann
To: Kimberly Nucifora
Subject: Re: dataset formats
Kimberly Nucifora wrote:
> I'm looking for some information regarding image file formats. It appears
> that Volumizer only comes with code to read two formats: Tiff files and
> "Raw" or sliced datafiles. I've run VoglRaw from the demos program which
> reads in data slices using the lung data which came with Volumizer.
> However, when I try to reference my own dataset, the program fails. The
> files are named ironProt0.ima, ironProt1.ima...ironProt67.ima, similar to
> the naming convention of the lung data. When I run the program, I get the
> error
> "Error: the length of the file list does not match zVolumeSize"
> I've stated the size of the dataset as being 68 68 68 and set the path
> variable to the folder containing the data files. The preceding code to
> this error statement is
> if (argc - 6 != zVolumeSize) so it seems that the program is expecting
> an input argument for each file. To run the demo, I was able to set the
> DATAPATH and type $DATAPATH/lung*ima for the filesnames. Is there a reason
> why this wouldn't work with my files?
> I've also been trying to track down a spec for a 3D Tiff, unsuccessfully.
> Is this format described in any Volumizer documentation? I've read the spec
> for Tiff V.6 but haven't found any references to 3D.
> I can either convert my data to Raw 2D files or to 3D Tiffs (if I can find
> out what the format is) but if there are any other readers that have been
> written for structured datasets, I'd love to get my hands on them.
> Thanks!
> Kim Nucifora

Hi everybody,

I detected the same problem. I wrote my own routines to read in volume
files in a special format (called CVolumes). I could send the file
routines (similar to myReadBrickIfl, myGetVolumeSizesIfl & Co.) if
someone is interested. The only thing is, you would need also the C++
classes of the CVolume routines. Anyway it's not very difficult to write
your own file routines (if you know well the format of the dataset) so I
suggest to do the work.
But I think it would be a good idea to collect all the written file
routines of different file formats and create a database of them to use
it in volumizer. A possible solution is to include all the routines into
a file (similar to myBrickIO.cc) or to include the methods directly into
What's your opinion (everybody)?

Hasta luego

Michael Buehlmann
tel;home:0041 - (0)1 451 35 15
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org:Swiss Federal Institute of Technology;Image Science Group
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fn:Michael Buehlmann

tel;home:0041 - (0)1 451 35 15
tel;work:0041 - (0)1 632 76 90
org:Swiss Federal Institute of Technology;Image Science Group
adr:;;Badenerstrasse 285;Zuerich;;8003;Switzerland
fn:Michael Buehlmann

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