Transient Geometry

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Michael Buehlmann (
Thu, 24 Jun 1999 11:23:04 +0200

In the process of allocating storage for transient geometry you first
need to invoke the "voVertexData" method. In the demo programs this
looks like this:


// Holds all intermediate PER_VERTEX information.
my_Data.allVertexData = new voVertexData(100000, valuesPerVtx);

my_Data.aPolygonSetArray = new

How do you determine the (exact) number of vertices? Is it safe to use a
static number like 100000 as in the demos or wouldn't it be better to
calculate the countMax of vertices according to number of bricks (or/and
other variables)? This problem relates also to Manfred's question about
the volumizer design and transient geometry. Isnt't there a way to make
the allocating of vertex information dynamically?

With best regards

Michael Buehlmann

tel;home:0041 - (0)1 451 35 15
tel;work:0041 - (0)1 632 76 90
org:Swiss Federal Institute of Technology;Image Science Group
adr:;;Badenerstrasse 285;Zuerich;;8003;Switzerland
fn:Michael Buehlmann

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