Re: clipping planes

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Robert Grzeszczuk (rg)
Sun, 9 May 1999 15:54:47 -0700 (PDT)

Grassi & Gandolfo,

Sean is right: polygonizeMPR() action is intended to take a single slice
through a volume. If you want to render a volume with parts clipped away, you
can try rendering the whole volume (using polygonize() action) having enabled
an OpenGL clipping plane. An alternative is to define a region of interest
(i.e., a set of tetrahedra) that covers the clipped region (e.g., you can use a
Delaunay tetrahedralisation of the truncated cube) for better performance.


On May 9, 10:00am, Sean Spicer wrote:
> Subject: Re: clipping planes
> Grassi,
> Is there a particular reason for using the polygonizeMPR call? If not,
> then I would just use a regular OpenGL clipping plane. I've done this in
> many volume rendering codes both with and without volumizer, and have
> never had any problems.
> Hope that helps.
> sean
> On Sun, 9 May 1999, Riccardo Grassi - Gandolfo Luca wrote:
> > We're running Volumizer 1.1 on O2
> >
> > We want define a clipping plane using
> > voGeometryActions::polygonizeMPR but we obtain only the slice at the
> > plane in which we're clipping, instead we want obtain all the volume
> > behind our slice
> >
> > Any info will help
> > Grassi Riccardo
> > Gandolfo Luca
> > Vosilla Loris
> >
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> Sean Spicer Stanford University Medical Center
> Biomechanical Engineering Division of Vascular Surgery, Suite
> Cardiovascular Biomechanics Lab Stanford CA, 94305
> Telephone...650.723.1695
> Fax.........650.723.8762
>-- End of excerpt from Sean Spicer

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