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Mohammad Ahsan Khan (
Thu, 03 Dec 1998 15:57:50


I use opengl volumumizer for displaying a 512*300*300 seismic cube. But
I am having artifacts like parallel lines when I rotate the cube. I set
the sampling period to 0.5 and tesselated the cube with 24 tetrahedra.
The artifacts sometimes become dominant when I use color lookup table
and make parts of the volume transparent. I got same kind of artifacts
with the example program voglBasic that is provided with volumizer. I
tried with 512*256*256 cube but could not get rid of those artifacts.

My system is Onyx2 Infinite Reality.

Can anybody give me any advice regarding this?


Mohammad Ahsan Khan
Research Assistant
Department of Geology and Geophysics
Texas A&M University.

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