Depth_testing with Volumizer

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Stefan van der Heijden (
Tue, 24 Nov 1998 15:05:30 +0100

I'm building aan application based on Volumizer, but depth testing
doesn't seem to work.
Also the Wireframe round the volume isn't displayed correct.
The volume is always blended over the frame.
Anybody know how to enable depth test?
(GLEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) doesn't seem to work)

J.W.M  v/d Heijden      -oOo-@-@-oOo-
XRD Predevelopment                      Philips Medical Systems
Building QJ2327, Veenpluis 2, Best, The Netherlands
Phone: +31-40-2762275   Fax  : +31-40-2765657
Just a memory remains....

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