RE: Volumizer on non-IRIX platforms

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From: Joe Quinlan (
Date: 12/06/2000 09:35:10

Hi Fred,

After SIGGRAPH I gave an update on our Volumizer strategy, which you can see
in the archives at:

Our current focus for OpenGL Volumizer is on SGI's scalable systems, which
are IRIX-based. One year ago we did release Volumizer 1.2, which includes
sample code for a Volumizer node in performer. See the announcement at:



Joe Quinlan, Product Manager
Advanced Systems Marketing, SGI
Tel: (650) 933-6670 Fax: (650) 932-6670
Pager: 800-745-5748

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fred Dech []
> Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 7:49
> To:
> Subject: Volumizer on non-IRIX platforms
> i forget.
> was there any plan to port OGL Volumizer to non-IRIX platforms such as
> Lynux? NT? i tried searching the archives, but came up empty.
> someone also recently told me that Volumizer was being rewritten as a
> native Performer library. i'd heard none of that. is there any truth
> there?
> thanks.
> --fred
> --
> Fred Dech
> Network Analyst
> Virtual Reality in Medicine Laboratory : VRMedLab
> University of Illinois at Chicago : UIC
> (312) 413-3092: fax (312) 996-8342

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